El COVID-19 y el boxeo en Latinoamérica:
Una charla entre el presidente de la OMB Latino, Jorge Molina, el asesor legal de la OMB, licenciado Gustavo Olivieri, y el periodista José A. Sánchez Fournier.
21 de agosto de 2015
Vía correo electrónico
Emmanuel Rodriguez
Calle San Antonio #24
Sector La Puntilla
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902
Re: Título Gallo (118 lbs) OMB Latino
Estimado señor Rodríguez:
El día 18 de octubre de 2014 usted obtuvo el campeonato del título Latino vacante en la división Gallo (118 lbs.) de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo contra Miguel Cartagena en pelea celebrada en el Coliseo Cosme Beitía Sálamo, Cataño, Puerto Rico.
El 2 de diciembre de 2014 su Manejador Juan Orengo, le solicitó al comité de la OMB Latino, el cual presido, la aprobación de su primera defensa contra el oponente, Juan Gabriel Guzmán, a llevarse a cabo el 21 de febrero de 2015, en el Coliseo Francisco Deyda, Hatillo, Puerto Rico. Posteriormente, el 12 de enero de 2015 se recibió un correo electrónico donde el Sr. Orengo nos comunica que estaba teniendo problemas con el retador Juan Gabriel Guzmán y que por favor tomáramos en consideración a Luis Hinojosa como el nuevo retador.
El 13 de enero de 2015 el comité OMB Latino le aprobó su defensa obligatoria con el nuevo retador, Luis Hinojosa, sin embargo, el 12 de febrero de 2015 nuevamente el Sr. Orengo cursó un nuevo correo electrónico informando que Luis Hinojosa tuvo problemas de visado y por tal razón éste no podría viajar para el combate ya pautado y sugiere se considere al húngaro Gabor Molnar, con un récord de 16-6. Inmediatamente la solicitud fue denegada ya que no cualificaba al ser un título OMB Latino y él de origen húngaro.
A pesar de haber sido denegada la solicitud de combate contra Gabor Molnar, el día 21 de febrero de 2015 se celebró el mismo, sin embargo, el título OMB Latino no estuvo en juego.
Pasados siete meses desde su última defensa obligatoria del título OMB Latino en la división Gallo, el 5 de mayo de 2015, recibí un correo electrónico del Sr. Orengo con solicitud de avalar su defensa contra Luis Hinojosa el 30 de mayo de 2015 en el Coliseo Cosme Beitia en Cataño, Puerto Rico. Cabe señalar que la misma fue aprobada a modo de excepción y en consideración a su persona y méritos logrados como Medallista de Oro en los Juegos Olimpicos Juveniles 2010, a pesar de que usted debía cumplir con la pelea obligatoria a la fecha del 18 de febrero de 2015. En el mencionado combate usted ganó mediante nocáut en el tercer asalto.
El pasado 9 de julio de 2015 el Sr. Orengo se comunicó solicitando la aprobación de su defensa al título Gallo OMB Latino contra Alex Rangel, a llevarse a cabo el dia 22 de agosto de 2015 en el Coliseo Tomás Dones en Fajardo, Puerto Rico y la misma fue aprobada por este servidor mediante comunicación de fecha 15 de julio de 2015.
El 7 de agosto de 2015 el Sr. Orengo se comunica a la OMB informando que a usted le ofrecieron combatir por un titulo Latino de inferior categoría de otro organismo en la división Gallo y solicitó reunirse con el Presidente de la OMB para dialogar sobre el asunto. El Presidente de la OMB se reunió con el Sr. Orengo en dos ocasiones, y se le explicó las razones por las cuales no se podría autorizar el combate por la defensa del título OMB Latino conjuntamente con títulos regionales de otros organismos, y en esa ocasión se le advirtió además que usted tendría ante sí la decisión de cuál título sería el que quería ostentar.
Se le comunicó a su manejador que de usted decidir pelear por títulos adicionales de uno o más organismos, ello no sería avalado por OMB Latino por no estar éstos a la altura del nuestro, el cual es uno de prestigio en toda Latinoamérica. El título OMB Latino es único cetro ovalado por la OMB en la región, mientras que otro organismo tiene más de uno.
El 12 de agosto de 2015 se publicó en todos los medios noticiosos que usted defendería el título Latino de la OMB, y también tendría en juego título regional de otro organismo, haciendo caso omiso a nuestra posición sobre este asunto expresada a su manejador tanto en reuniones con el Presidente de la OMB y mediante reiteradas comunicaciones escritas.
En la fecha del 13 de agosto de 2015 le cursé una misiva al Presidente del organismo en la que le doy conocimiento de la información publicada en los periódicos sobre su intención de defender su título OMB Latino con un título regional de otro organismo el día 22 de agosto de 2015, enfatizándole que dicha “unificación” no estaba autorizada por este servidor y que usted podría perder su condición de campeón regional OMB Latino.
Para su conocimiento, el día 18 de agosto de 2015 le envié la siguiente carta al Sr. Orengo:
“18 de agosto de 2015
Recibida su comunicación con fecha de 17 de agosto de 2015 en la que detalla que su “prioridad en este momento es que Emmanuel Rodríguez defienda su título Latino WBO”, reafirmamos nuestra postura, según notificada a usted el día 14 de agosto, de que no autorizaremos una defensa de su título regional conjuntamente con otro título de uno o más organismos para su combate del día 22 del presente mes.
De hecho, la junta directiva de OMB Latino se ha expresado sobre este particular, votando de manera unánime para no aprobar dicho combate unificatorio. Nuevamente, queda advertido que de concretarse el mismo como “unificación” el púgil Emmanuel Rodríguez perderá su condición de actual campeón OMB Latino.
Esperamos saber de usted pronto. Muchísimas gracias. Jorge Molina, Presidente de la OMB Latino”
Por último, advinimos en conocimiento de que en la Conferencia de Prensa celebrada en la Comisión de Boxeo del Departamento de Recreación y Deportes de Puerto Rico, el día de ayer 20 de agosto de 2015, los organizadores de ese evento, colocaron un espacio en la mesa de dicha conferencia, identificando el mismo con una silla vacía y el nombre de uno de los ejecutivos de la OMB, a sabiendas de que ningún miembro de la OMB estaría presente en dicha actividad por las razones esbozadas de que la pelea no sería avalada por el organismo.
Por todo lo antes mencionado, le estamos concediendo el término de cinco (5) días para que muestre causa por la cual no deba ser despojado de su título en las 118 lbs. de la O.M. B. Latino. De no comparecer en el término anteriormente establecido, el Comité de la OMB Latino declarará vacante el título Gallo (118 lbs.), sin más citarle ni oírle.
(Firmado) JORGE MOLINA, Presidente OMB Latino
By David Finger \ Photos: Joel Colon/WBO
The World Boxing Organization 27th Annual Convention kicked off in full force this morning at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas as members from around the world introduced themselves and we subsequently treated to a video presentation highlighting last year’s convention in Budapest. The first order of business for the executive committee was the Championship Committee report, which highlighted the strong position of the WBO in regards to participating in championship fights. In 2011-2012 the WBO made a strong statement to the boxing world as they had an impressive 38 championship fights. However, as that number dipped to 32 in 2012-2013, the WBO was keen on making a strong statement and to bounce back. The Championship Committee was happy to report that the WBO more than exceeded expectations here.
“This year we came back fierce and strong,” commented Luis Batista Salas, chairman of the Championship Committee. “We came back with 40 championship fights. We had more championship fights than the other organizations together.” Batista Salas also commented on the growth, and strength, of WBO Women’s boxing. “We have 25 champions in the female division, and we only began three years ago with female championship fights.”
Perhaps most noteworthy for the Championship Committee was the prominent role that mandatory defenses played in WBO championship fights. “Mandatory fights are something we take very seriously,” Batista Salas added, “(The WBO) had 32 mandatory fights! This is also a record. That is also something to be proud of.”
From there President Valcarcel announced that the President’s Report would be postponed until after lunch to allow him to speak at length about some issues, including his planned announcement for the second day of the convention, in which the WBO will petition Senator John McCain and the ABC to propose amendments to the Muhammad Ali Act, proposals that would strengthen the bill and impose harsher penalties for violations. He then took a jab at the other organizations, and in particular the recent summit of boxing organizations in Cancun, Mexico that was hosted by the WBC.
“I wasn’t there to waste time in Cancun for some public relations stunt where nothing gets done,” Valcarcel said to the Executive Committee, “there were two of them in the past and nothing got done. We didn’t intend to go and waste our time.”
Valcarcel indicated a desire to continue working with local commissions and the ABC to promote safety and proposed rule changes, noting that local laws will always trump the WBO rules, and therefore it was important to work closely with these commissions. He also added that he will be meeting with the chairman of the IBF tomorrow, as the chairman will be visiting with the WBO in Las Vegas.
The Grievance Committee report followed, and in what could considered a “short and sweet” summary, the Grievance Committee chairman Alberto Rodriguez was happy to announce that there were no complaints submitted to the committee in 2014. He then discussed the process for a party to submit to the grievance committee.
A short video followed featuring WBO women’s bantamweight champion Carolina Duer, followed by Ms. Duer thanking the WBO and expressing her appreciation for the WBO. “Since I’ve been a world champion I’ve always been only a WBO champion,” Duer said to the executive committee, “I am very proud to represent this organization.”
The next order of business was the regional vice presidents report, starting with Istvan “Koko” Kovacs and WBO Europe. Kovacs was pleased to report a very successful year for the WBO Europe. “We had the pleasure to organize the second WBO congress (in Budapest) in 2013 and according to the feedback and your comments, it was very successful. Already after the 2009 (WBO Congress) we saw an increase in the nonetheless already significant activities of WBO Europe. But I must admit that I did not expect to have such extraordinary accomplishments (in 2014).”
WBO Europe increased overall, and although WBO International saw a slight decrease, much of that was attributed to tighter restrictions and higher standards. “We tightened the requirements for the belt,” Kovacs said, “we had less fights but there is higher prestige to the belt.”
However, any drop in activity to WBO International was more than made up by the increase in activity from the WBO European titles. It went from 11 fights in 2013 to 27 in 2014. The number of WBO regional titles in Europe nearly doubled from 29 in 2013 to 53 in 2014, Kovacs then discussed the increase in activity across the board for the WBO in Europe, citing the increased number of fights from the WBO Youth (from 4 to 9) and WBO female championships (from 5 to 9). In 2014 there were also 10 WBO championship fights in Europe, which was the same number as in 2013.
Kovacs then discussed the overall history of the WBO European title since 2009, noting that they have had 92 championship fights, with 54 champions, of which 13 would go on to fight for the title, and of which 3 world champions would emerge. Kovacs then discussed the financial situation with WBO Europe, noting that since 2009 the WBO Europe brought in $95,600 for the WBO in 2014 alone, thus making it the most successful year ever for WBO Europe. Since 2009 WBO Europe has collected over $325,000 in sanctioning fees for the WBO. Kovacs then took a few moments to discuss the ways in which WBO Europe took part in the WBO Kids Drug Free program.
From there WBO Asia Pacific Vice President Leon Panoncillo took the floor to discuss both the state of boxing in Asia and in Africa.
“Asia Pacific has shown positive growth, with 17 sanctioned fights since last year’s convention,” Panoncillo said. He also added that WBO Asia Pacific brought in $28,011.57 in revenue since the last convention and that he expected to sanction five more fights before the end of the year.
He then discussed the WBO Oriental title, adding that since the last convention he sanctioned 30 Oriental Championship matches, collecting a total of $44,250 in revenue since the last convention. The impressive increase in activity marked a dramatic rise in activity for the WBO Oriental title, making 2014 one of the most successful years in the history of WBO Oriental and in striking range of being the most successful year ever for the title. Panoncillo then went on to discuss the WBO Africa, noting that WBO Africa has sanctioned 16 total championship fights since the last convention and that it has raised $21,400 in revenue. Panoncillo then closed out with a discussion of the state of affairs with WBO Asia Pacific Youth, noting that the WBO sanctioned three youth titles and subsequently raised $2,525 in revenue for the WBO since the last convention.
From there WBO first vice president John Duggan discussed the China Zone development, and his hopes to see the WBO continue to grow in the region.
After Duggan’s discussion of China the WBO handed out several awards, with Marco Huck being the most notable. Huck was recently named a WBO Super Champion, and although he did not have a Super Championship belt yet, he was awarded a plague commemorating his accomplishment.
“This is a very rare and great honor,” Huck said after receiving the award, “I am very proud to be named Super Champion after 13 title defenses.”Also given awards were Osvaldo Rivero, who was named Latin America promoter of the year by the WBO. Also given an award was Patrick Teixeira, who was awarded the OMB Latino Champion of the year.
From there Jorge Molina presented his report on WBO Latino, noting that he still embraced the philosophy that “the sky’s the limit” when considering the future of the organization. Since the last convention, Molina noted that the WBO has sanctioned 30 championship fights, an increase from 25 in 2013. Of those 30 fights, 10 were held in Argentina, 10 were held in Brazil, six were held in the United States, 3 were held in Mexico, and 1 was held in Puerto Rico. Five fights were in the welterweight division, five were in the junior bantamweight division, and four were in the junior middleweight division. Molina then discussed the proud history of the OMB Latino championship, noting that the WBO Latino held an astounding 526 title fights since 1996. Of those who fought for the WBO Latino title, 134 would go on to fight for the world title, while 41 would go on to win world championships. Molina then added that since the last convention three OMB Latino Champions have gone on to win world titles as well. Molina then closed out with a video presentation that highlighted some of the greatest moments of WBO Latino, highlighting some legendary champions like Michael Carbajal and Ener Julio.
The executive committee took a short recess for lunch, and upon returning from lunch, resumed with the treasurer’s report. WBO CPA Jaime Ceballero advised that the strength of the WBO financial situation, adding that the WBO had $1,242,724 in savings, an increase in revenue of 302%. The increase in revenue was the largest ever in the history of the WBO. He then added that the WBO accounts included nearly $2,000,000 when added with the accounts of all of the regional organizations. He then added that, if the WBO were to pay off all of their debts today, they would still hold in excess of a million dollars. The positive report prompted President Valcarcel to ask if the WBO could spend more money on the WBO Kids Drug Free program. Unfortunately there was one area where regional organization in which WBO didn’t have tremendous success initially in 2014: the NABO.
The NABO had recently changed leadership in February of 2014 after reporting substantial losses in 2013 and early 2014. New NABO Vice President Jose Izquierdo, however, had done much to turn that ship around since taking over. One area of strength was the increase in fights on “important” cards such as the Manny Pacquiao-Timothy Bradley PPV card, or the recent Floyd Mayweather-Marcos Maidana PPV in 2014. Since taking over the helm at NABO, Izquierdo has sanctioned 12 NABO title fights and 14 Inter-Continental title fights, helping fuel a dramatic turnaround for the NABO financially.
“There is a dramatic decrease in the amount owed,” Izquierdo said, “over 46% decrease. And a 790% increase for cash on hand.”
Izquierdo has taken a much more inclusive approach to spearhead the NABO’s sudden resurgence. “I’ve called local commissions to have them recommend fighters to be considered and become part of the rankings of the NABO,” Izquierdo said.
The positive changes in the direction of the NABO prompted vice president Luis Batista Salas to sing Izquierdo’s praises during his presentation. “He has changed the face of the NABO,” Batista Salas said of Izquierdo.
From there President Francisco “Paco” Valcarcel presented the WBO President’s Report, and as expected, he took time to again discuss a topic that has become his cause belle: the proliferation of titles in boxing. Valcarcel first commended Jose Izquierdo on scoring a knockout with WBO’s presence on social media like Facebook.com and Twitter. Noting how WBO’s Facebook page went from 7,000 followers to 334,996 followers in only one year, he commended Izquierdo for helping turn WBO boxing into one of the most popular boxing pages on the internet.
“It is the fastest way to get resolutions out and give the public an outlet (to communicate with us).” Valcarcel said.
Valcarcel then spoke time to speak about the WBO champions, noting that “the WBO is very lucky, because we have the money makers. We have the best champions around the world.”
He then took a jab at a rival organization, noting that former WBO middleweight champion Peter Quillin was making more money in his title defenses than a rival organizations champion who had become a regular fixture on television. He also noted that at the bantamweight weight class, the WBO recently received a $600,000 purse bid from a promoter for a title fight and that Marco Huck is highly successful in the cruiserweight division, earning tremendous paydays as a cruiserweight. Valcarcel then took another jab at the rival organizations and the proliferation of numerous “copper, platinum, silver, and aluminum” titles.
“We have the WBO (world) champion and that’s it! We call Klitschko a Super Champion and that’s it. We don’t have anyone (other champion) behind him. I want to be polite, but I have to speak the truth. Who cares about Alex Povetkin? The champion is Klitschko!”
Explaining the difference between the WBO and some of the other sanctioning organizations in how they recognize champions.
“We have regional titles, but others, they have 3, 4, 5 titles.” Valcarcel added. “We only have one Latino Champion…that means the WBO Latino title carries prestige. We want to keep it that way. We don’t want to have a bunch of titles.”
From there discussions turned to recent litigation involving the WBO, including a case in Puerto Rico that threatens the tax-exempt status of the WBO.
“Our financial success has attracted the attention of inland revenue in Puerto Rico,” WBOs legal counsel associated with the case told the commission, “due to new tax laws in Puerto Rico and the recession in Puerto Rico, and the degradation of Puerto Rican bonds. Puerto Rico has imposed further taxes to cover this.”
Although the WBO is a recognized non-profit according to the United States federal government, the government of Puerto Rico has refused to give full faith and credit to this designation, and their decision had initially been upheld by the Puerto Rican court of appeals. Although the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico initially refused to hear the case, the WBO remained confident that they still had a strong appeal.
Jose Izquierdo made a motion to give the President the authority to unilaterally name a committee to take on this issue at his discretion, a motion that was passed unanimously.
The second issue discussed was the issue of a trademark registration in Europe, and a fraudulent company that sent an unsolicited letter demanding payment to “register” the WBO trademark. This letter was disregarded when the WBO European Council assured the executive committee that the WBO trademarks are registered for the next several years.
Closing out the first day of the meeting, President Valcarcel again discussed the issue of the WBO’s refusal to take part in the joint summit of boxing sanctioning organizations held in Cancun earlier this year.
“We can work with other commissioners regarding safety,” Valcarcel said, “that doesn’t mean we have to meet up (with rival organizations) for it. I never heard of Coca-Cola and Pepsi having a meeting together. You have your own flavor, we don’t have to meet anyone, we don’t have to go anywhere because we are very busy. We are busy working with kids, enhancing the image of the sport. We had a meeting in 2011 and we talked about the same issues. We are doing much more than other organizations. Did you hear of other organizations doing as much for kids?”
WBO European member Markus Aslani then chimed in, “We stick to our rules and we don’t take part in the inflation of titles.”
“I think the main problem in boxing is that you have more than one champion in each division,” Valcarcel added.
“One organization that shall remain unnamed had 41 champions in 17 weight classes,” Jose Izquerdo added.
“We have the support of the most respected boxing writers of the world,” Valcarcel added, “I think in boxing, honesty is the best policy. If we are recognized as the honest organization, we are going to have success.”
From there President Valcarcel added that he will discuss proposals to Senator John McCain and Harry Reid in regards to amendments to the Muhammad Ali Act, and that the WBO would “not tolerate corruption in its ranks.”
Rounding off the opening day was a presentation on the still developing China Zone, which discussed its plans for 2015. The event closed off with a cocktail party that evening, and is set to resume tomorrow at 8:30 AM.
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014
Location: Argentina
Promoter: O.R. Promotions / Osvaldo Rivero
Supervisor: Jorge Molina
Referee: Celestino Ruiz
Judges: Patt Russell 114-114 | Dennis Nelson 116-112 | Robert Hecko 116-112
Results: The Champion Omar Andres Narvaez retained the WBO Jr. Bantamweight title against Felipe Orucuta by Majority Decision.
TV: Argentina T y C Sports
El súper campeón mundial supermosca de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), el chubutense Omar “El Huracán” Narváez , se enfrentará al monarca juvenil supermosca OMB, el mexicano David “Severo” Carmona , intentando defender por novena ocasión de su corona, en el combate estelar de la velada que se desarrollará en la noche del sábado en el Villa La Ñata Sporting Club, en Benavídez, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que será televisada en vivo a través de TyC Sports desde las 22 para Argentina y gran parte de América.
Narváez (40-1-2, 21 KOs), que fuera récordman argentino al totalizar 16 defensas exitosas de su título mundial mosca OMB, expondrá por novena ocasión su corona supermosca que conquistó en mayo de 2010, frente a Carmona (16-1-4,8 KOs), actual N° 9 del ranking mundial OMB de la división. A sus 38 años, “El Huracán”, que es monarca ecuménico ininterrumpido desde julio de 2002 y viene este año de defender su cinturón el 25 de mayo y en fallo dividido -difícil de explicar que no fuera unánime- sobre el mexicano Felipe Orucuta en el estadio Luna Park, de Buenos Aires, y luego el 24 de agosto al dar cuenta del japonés Hiroyuki Hisataka por nocaut técnico en el décimo asalto en su Trelew, Chubut, natal, se apresta para lo que será nada menos que su combate mundialista N° 28 (registra 25-1-1), frente a un mexicano diez años menor, que obtuviera el pasado 18 de mayo su faja juvenil en decisión dividida frente a su compatriota Denny Flores, ante quien luego la retuvo empatando, y que si bien viene de defenderla sobre su compatriota Antonio Tostado García en fallo unánime el 29 de septiembre, deberá dar un salto de calidad para lo que será su primera oportunidad mundialista, que significará además su debut fuera de su país.
En la tarde del viernes, ambos superaron la ceremonia de pesaje, dejando todo listo para su duelo titular. Tanto Narváez como Carmona registraron 52,100 kg.
Narváez, quien viene de retener este año su faja supermosca OMB en un llamativo fallo dividido sobre el mexicano Felipe Orucuta el 25 de mayo en el estadio Luna Park y luego por nocaut técnico en el décimo sobre el japonés Hiroyuki Hisataka el 24 de agosto en su Trelew natal, buscará defender por novena vez la corona que conquistó el 15 de mayo de 2010 en el Luna Park, con una amplia decisión unánime sobre el nicaragüense Everth Briceño. Luego retuvo ante el mexicano Víctor Zaleta (DU 12), el portorriqueño César Seda (DU 12), el colombiano William Urina (DU 12), el mexicano José Cabrera (DU 12), el mexicano Johnny García (KO 11) y el puertorriqueño David Quijano (DU 12), en diciembre de 2012 . El único revés del nacido en Trelew hace 38 años data del 22 de octubre de 2011 cuando cayó en decisión unánime ante el filipino Nonito Donaire en el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York, Estados Unidos, en disputa de los cetros gallo OMB y del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (WBC), dando diferencias de talla y peso. Además, allá por el lejano 13 de julio de 2002, el chubutense se alzó con el cetro mosca OMB al derrotar en forma unánime al nicaragüense Adonis Rivas en el Luna Park, por lo que es monarca ininterrumpido desde hace once años y medio. Y en lo que será su tercera actuación del año, “El Huracán” buscará una vez más exhibir todo su talento, para dejar en claro su vigencia y que es uno de los mejores exponentes a nivel mundial de las divisiones pequeñas.
En tanto Carmona, oriundo del Distrito Federal, actual N° 9 del ranking mundial supermosca OMB, quien tras imponerse a rivales de menor jerarquía en su país, el pasado 18 de mayo derrotó en fallo dividido a su compatriota Denny Flores, para alzarse con el cetro juvenil supermosca OMB, en la ciudad de México. Tras ello, lo retuvo el 5 de julio igualando en la revancha ante Flores en decisión técnica en tres capítulos, y el 27 de septiembre en fallo unánime sobre su también compatriota Antonio Tostado García en la ciudad de México. Pero ahora tendrá el mayor reto de su carrera cuando intente destronar al ya legendario campeón, en lo que significará para él su primera oportunidad mundialista y su debut en el extranjero.
Las autoridades designadas por la OMB son: el árbitro será el argentino Mario González. Los jueces serán Carlos Ortiz (Estados Unidos) , Robert Hoyle (Estados Unidos) , y Manuel Véliz ( Argentina). El supervisor será el argentino Jorge Molina, presidente de OMB Latino.
En el combate de semifondo, el campeón latino supergallo OMB, el cordobés radicado en Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Julián “Chispita” Aristule(24-4, 14 KOs), actual N° 12 del ranking mundial OMB, se enfrentará al bonaerense Leandro Esperante (8-3, 8 KOs), intentado defender por primera ocasión su corona.
Aristule detuvo la balanza en 55,250 kg. En tanto Esperante acusó 54,800 kg.
Aristule buscará la primera defensa del cetro que conquistó interino en ese momento al destronar al sanjuanino Fabián Orozco por nocaut en el segundo asalto, el pasado 28 de junio en Rosario, Santa Fe, frente a un pegador como Esperante, que tendrá su primera oportunidad por un cinturón.
En combate complementario, que se desarrollará en categoría pesado, el ex campeón mundial crucero OMB, el bonaerense Víctor “El Tyson del Abasto” Ramírez (15-2, 12 KOs), regresa a la actividad luego de cuatro años, cuando se mida al el sudafricano radicado en Sao Paulo, Brasil,Thabiso Mogale (14-13-2, 9 KOs), a cuatro asaltos.
Ramírez registró 95,100 kg. En tanto Mogale se pesará más tarde, dado que aún se encontraba en viaje.
“El Tyson del Abasto”, quien el 17 de enero de 2009 venciera al ruso Alexander Alekseev por nocaut técnico en el noveno asalto y así conquistara el título mundial crucero interino OMB como visitante en Düsseldorf, Alemania, y que lo retuviera el 16 de mayo de 2009 ya como regular en fallo dividido sobre el azerí Ali Ismailov en el Luna Park, volverá a la actividad luego de caer el 29 de agosto de 2009 frente al alemán Marco Huck en decisión unánime, que le significó resignar su corona, en Halle, Alemania. Tras el parate, a los 29 años buscará dejar en claro que aún tiene mucho por dar.
Además, en división mediano, el canadiense radicado en Mendoza, Maximiliano “El Conejo” Mujica (5-1-2, 4 KOs) chocará contra el santafesinoPablo Roldán (10-3-1), a seis capítulos.
Finalmente, en peso supermosca, la rafaelina radicada en Córdoba, Vanesa Taborda (3-0-0-1 sd) se las verá frente a la bonaerense María Magdalena “Chiqui” Rivera (2-0-2), a cuatro episodios.
Story and photos by David Finger
The 26th Annual WBO Congress officially kicked off Tuesday morning at the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Budapest as boxing insiders from around the world came to celebrate some of the exciting developments in the World Boxing Organization in 2013. The event kicked off with roll call, followed by an invocation. After approving the prior minutes from the 2012 Convention, the congress moved forward with the regional Vice President’s reports. Starting off was Vice President Mark Reels, who did reports from the NABO and the WBO Intercontinental. Although the NABO and the WBO Intercontinental both saw a slight drop in activity it still was a productive and profitable year for the regional organizations.
The NABO held an impressive 12 championship fights (with revenue of $46,760) while the Intercontinental held 20 championship fights (with a revenue of $68,560). Reels also discussed the success of the WBO in developing world class fighters. Reels discussed how the NABO has seen 54 of the 262 fighters who fought for the belt subsequently fight for the WBO title. Although Reels downplayed the statistic, expressing a desire to see that number rise, it nonetheless impressed many at the table, with President Francisco “Paco” Valcarcel calling it “impressive.”
“Our issue is with quality over quantity,” Reels said during his presentation, “we have criteria for a fighter who is able to fight for a title.” Reels, however, did want to see some leniency on the issue of fighters getting sanctioned for NABO and WBO InterContinental fights, noting some good fighters who technically fell short of the high standards set by the WBO in regards to qualifications. President Valcarcel expressed concern over the idea.
Still, with all 15 NABO championship fights since last year’s convention being televised by a major TV network, Reels had an impressive year by nearly any standard. “As far as activity levels go, it is low,” Reels added, “but we really are recognized the world over.” Reels then discussed the revenue of the Intercontinental, confirming that the WBO Intercontinental collected over $40,000 of the $68,560 income in 2013.
From there Vice President Istvan “Koko” Kovacs presented his report on the WBO Europe. Although he admitted it was a “quiet year” he still was happy to announce that it Iwas still a productive year for the European continent. There were 13 Intercontinental title fights, with 9 taking place in Europe. There were also 14 International title fights, with 9 taking place in Europe, as well as 11 WBO European title fights. There were 6 WBO Youth title fights, with 4 taking place in Europe, 21 female title fights, with 5 taking place in Europe, and 32 world title fights with 10 taking place in Europe. Overall the WBO had 29 fights in Europe, a drop from 38 the previous year. WBO Europe’s revenue in 2013 was $40,500. Kovacs also commented on the previous issue with the British Boxing Board, commenting on how the WBO no longer has any problems working with the BBB. The BBB refused to recognize the WBO in previous years.
Next was Vice President Jorge Molina’s report on the WBO Latino. Molina admitted it had been a “hard year” for the Latino, with “only 25 Latino title fights in 10 months.” Still, Molina was able to point to the WBO Latino’s proud tradition and was able to proudly say that the WBO Latino continued that tradition in 2013. “#7 WBO Latino Champions became world champions,” Molina said, “and four of our WBO Latino champions have become world title holders (this year).” The WBO Latino raised $26,000 in the 25 title fights since the last convention, with 13 planned title fights to round out the year.
From there a short video on the WBO’s widely successful WBO Kids Drug Free program was shown.
Next was Andrew Smalle’s WBO Africa regional report. Smalle admitted it was a slow year, with 7 WBO Africa fights since the last convention. From November of 2012 to December of 2012 there were three title fights, with revenue of $5,050. From January of 2013 to August of 2013 there were 4 WBO Africa title fights with revenue of $4,800. However, Smalle confirmed that additional income was expected as some sponsorship allocation was expected to kick in before the end of the year. Smalle also commented on the WBO’s commitment to high standards for the quality of the fighters who compete for the WBO African belt. Smalle’s commitment to the highest standards for WBO title fights has resulted in a lower number of championship fights, but also of a growing reputation in the continent.
“It’s been a challenge but I don’t see it as a negative at all,” Smalle admitted, “it can only go up from where it’s at now. We are a young organization, and one of our proudest moments was one of our fighters winning a championship earlier this year.” Smalle noted that despite the low activity, the WBO Africa’s high standard has resulted in it being the only regional African organization that has seen all of its champions ranked in the world rankings after winning a regional belt.
Next came Leon Panoncillo’s report from WBO Asia. Similar to the other organizations WBO Asia saw a slight decline in revenue, but it has continued its commitment to quality. Since the last convention the Asia-Pacific held 14 championship fights, raising $27,700. Panoncillo also anticipated holding 10 more fights before the end of the year. The WBO Oriental title had 5 fights, with 8 more planned for the end f other year. The WBO Asia Pacific Youth title had three title fights, raising $3,750. Although Panoncillo admitted that the Youth title has “not taken off” he was optimistic that a major Filipino television network was interested in partnering up with the WBO Asia-Pacific to award a youth belt to the winner of a “Contender” like reality series involving young prizefighters in the Philippines. Panoncillo’s biggest coup came with the exciting developments of his newest title: the WBO International championship. In just one year the WBO International title has become a highly prestigious belt, with Manny Pacquiao and Brandon Rios fighting for the vacant belt in Macao on November 24th. Panoncillo confirmed that the WBO has custom made a new belt for the winner of that fight.
The next report came from Zhang Tao on the China Zone. Although the WBO China Zone held only 7 fight shows, the WBO is still making headway into the world’s largest market, and Tao informed the board that he looked forward to hosting the WBO in China. Joe Hernandez then spoke of the Cuban boxing scene, and his desire that the situation in Cuba would soon open up. “When it (Cuba) does come free, the WBO will be at the forefront.”
Markus Aslani followed with his report on female boxing in the WBO. He proudly announced that the WBO had a good year, with an emphasis on quality in regards to female championship fights.
After lunch there was a brief discussion on ratings by Luis Perez, followed by a report by Luis Bautista Salas, which not only focused on “loyalty” but also discussed the successful year of the WBO, with 54 total championship fights (33 men’s championship fights and 21 female championship fights). There was a brief discussion on the growth of the WBO in the British boxing scene.
“We have good working relations and we want to see how we can continue this in the future,” President Valcarcel said.
A discussion from representatives from the Japan Boxing Commission followed, which was a clear sign of the WBO’s success in breaking into a new market. At the last congress in Budapest in 2009 there was a controversy over the WBO’s inability to operate in Japan. The growth in Japan since then was a clear victory for the WBO as it moved forward in Japan.
Next came the legal report, in which the WBO legal representatives discussed several pending legal issues. Several issues regarding trademark registration was discussed, with several brands extended into 2018. They then followed up with a discussion on the recent litigation in Puerto Rico. Some confusion emerged in 2012 in regards to the administrative level, with the Puerto Rican Department of treasury moving forward with legal action against the WBO in regards to its tax exempt status.
“It’s confusion over what we actually do,” one of the legal advisors for the WBO said, “It’s a lack of knowledge of the working issues of the organization.” Although the WBO is confident that they will prevail, several members understood that even if they do not prevail in litigation, it will have little major impact on the WBO. If there is an issue we will simply change the way we disperse funds,” one legal advisor of the WBO said.
Rounding off Day One, WBO President Francisco “Paco” Valcarcel gave a special shout out to WBO Asia Vice President Leon Panoncillo over the impressive developments in Macao and the Philippines.
“We control Asia from A to Z,” Valcarcel said, “everything that occurring Asia is very important to us.”
Rounding off the night, boxing insiders visited the Lázár Lovaspark, where they were delighted by a traditional Hungarian horseshow as well as a traditional Hungarian dinner.
La ex campeona mundial supermosca de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), la porteña Carolina “La Turca” Duer, se enfrentará a la neuquina Mayra “La Guapa” Gómez, en disputa del título mundial gallo OMB, que se encuentra vacante, en el combate estelar de la velada que se desarrollará en la noche del viernes en el Club Social Alejandro Korn, en San Vicente, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que será televisada en vivo a través de la TV Pública para Argentina desde las 23.
Duer (14-3-1, 5 KOs), que ya no posee el cinto supermosca OMB del que realizó seis defensas, subirá nuevamente de división e irá por segunda ocasión por el cetro gallo OMB, luego de que el pasado 24 de mayo igualara en un controversial resultado frente a la bonaerense Sabrina “La Muñequita” Pérez en Verónica, Buenos Aires, frente a Gómez (14-2, 4 KOs), quien lleva cuatro triunfos en fila e irá por su primera oportunidad mundialista.
En la tarde del jueves, ambas superaron la ceremonia de pesaje, dejando todo listo para su duelo titular. Duer registró 53,200 kg. En tanto Gómez marcó 53,500 kg.
La corona mundial OMB quedó primero vacante cuando la estadounidense Kaliesha West se vio obligada a abandonarla tras exponerla exitosamente en tres ocasiones -la última en abril de 2013 sobre la argentina Claudia López-, y luego decidir ir por el cinto de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo Femenino (AIBF) que ganó al vencer a su compatriota Christina Ruiz el 6 de octubre. Luego de “La Turca” y “La Muñequita” igualaran, la santafesina Daniela “La Bonita” Bermúdez lo conquistó al detener en el primer asalto a la colombiana Neisi Torres el 31 de mayo -apenas una semana más tarde- en San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Sin embargo, Bermúdez lo dejó vacante para quedarse con su faja mundial supermosca interina de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB), por lo que ahora Duer y Gómez irán por ella en un festival que, como es habitual, será promovido por la porteña.
Duer, nacida en la ciudad de Buenos Aires hace 34 años, antes de igualar en una polémica decisión dividida frente a Pérez, venía de superar en un controversial fallo unánime a la formoseña Marcela “Tigresa” Acuña el pasado 21 de diciembre en La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, en un enfrentamiento no titular en categoría supergallo. Se consagró monarca supermosca OMB el 17 de diciembre de 2010, cuando se impuso en fallo unánime a la italiana Loredana Piazza, en Victoria, Entre Ríos. El 26 de marzo de 2011, lo retuvo al derrotar en forma unánime a la francesa Aziza Oubaita, en Villa Ángela, Chaco. En su segunda exposición dio cuenta de la frágil serbia Fleis Djendji, a quien derribó en cuatro ocasiones para finalizar por nocaut técnico en el primero, el 15 de julio de 2011 en San Isidro, Buenos Aires. El 11 de noviembre de ese año, se deshizo de la uruguaya María José Núñez por nocaut técnico en el tercero, en Lanús, Buenos Aires. El 3 de marzo de 2012, liquidó a la italiana Milena Tronto, por nocaut técnico en el segundo, en Verónica, Buenos Aires. El pasado 6 de julio, hizo lo propio sobre la rumana Corina Carlescu, por nocaut técnico en el quinto, en La Plata. Y el 26 de octubre, superó a la rosarina Marisa Portillo en forma unánime en Villa Martelli, Buenos Aires, en lo que fue su última defensa, y previo a Acuña.
En tanto Gómez, nacida en Chos Malal, Neuquén, hace 25 años, y radicada en Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén, tras resignar su invicto en su quinta pelea ante la bonaerense María Cristina Ponce y luego superar a oponentes de escaso relieve, cayó por puntos frente a la peruana Linda Laura Lecca el 14 de abril de 2012 en Neuquén. Sin embargo, tras ello se recuperó con cuatro victorias en fila, aunque sobre rivales de segundo orden, como la neuquina Jorgelina Obregón, la tandilense Natalia López, la cordobesa Marta Juncos, y nuevamente Natalia López, a quien superó en fallo unánime tras ocho asaltos el pasado 19 de junio en Rincón de los Sauces, en su última actuación.
Las autoridades designadas por la OMB son: el árbitro será Jorge Basile. Los jueces serán Roberto Rilo, Héctor Miguel y Jorge Millicay. El supervisor será Jorge Molina.
En el combate de semifondo, que se desarrollará en categoría welter, el bonaerense Mauricio Biedma (8-1), se enfrentará al porteño Leonardo “Veneno” Ochenduzka (6-1-1, 1 KO), a seis asaltos.
Biedma detuvo la balanza en 65,150 kg. En tanto Ochenduzka marcó 66,300 kg.
En combate complementario, que se llevará a cabo en división supermediano, el local Roberto “Bery” Moreno (75,600 kg. y 6-5-1, 1 KO) se medará al tucumano radicado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Pedro “Rocky” Flores (75,850 kg. y 2-2-1-1, 2 KOs), a cuatro capítulos.
Finalmente, en peso gallo, la invicta chilena Carolina “Crespa” Rodríguez (53,500 kg. y 7-0) chocará contra la bonaerense Florencia “El Pistón” Cantero (52,800 kg. y 3-3-1), a cuatro episodios.
OR Promotions informa la realización de la eliminatoria pluma de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), entre la formoseña Marcela Eliana “La Tigresa” Acuña y la boricua Melissa “El Huracán” Hernández este sábado en el Club Defensores de Villa Luján, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.
La pelea será transmitida por TyC Sports, desde las 23 horas (hora argentina).
Acuña (38-6-1, 17 KOs) es la actual monarca plata súper gallo del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo y es la ex titular súper gallo AMB y CMB.
Hernández (18-4-3, 6 KOs) es nacida en Puerto Rico y está radicada en Miami, Florida. Fue campeona mundial pluma CMB. Es profesional desde el 18/10/2010 cuando empatara con la canadiense Lindsay Garbatt en Bernardillo, Nuevo México, USA. En su última presentación, el 31/05/2013, perdió por puntos –en decisión técnica tras 6 asaltos- con la canadiense Jelena Mrdjenovich, disputando la corona mundial pluma del CMB en Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá. Previamente, el 14/09/12 derrotó por puntos tras 10 giros a la misma canadiense, proclamándose campeona mundial pluma CMB, en un combate celebrado en Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá. El 16/12/11 perdió por puntos –en fallo unánime- con la bonaerense Erica “La Pantera” Farías en Maipú, Mendoza, disputando la corona mundial ligero del CMB.
Las autoridades designadas por la OMB serán: Árbitro: Cesáreo Morales (Argentina) – Jueces: Manuel Véliz, Ramón Cerdán y Juan Carlos Palmieri (Todos de Argentina) – Supervisor; Jorge Molina (Argentina).
Completan la velada los siguientes combates:
Cristian Coria (18-1-1, 7 KOs) vs Jorge Fredes (9-3, 3 KOs), 6 rounds, ligero
José López (1-0) vs Jorge Espíndola (2-1, 2 KOs), 4 rounds, super gallo
Guadalupe Maldonado (4-1, 1 KO) vs Vanessa Taborda (2-0), 4 rounds, súper mosca
Diego Neira (1-1, 1 KO) vs Juan Salles (0-1), 4 rounds, ligero
Cecilia Mena (4-1, 3 KOs) vs Alejandra Morales (0-6-1), 4 rounds, pluma
Comunicado de la OMB sancionando el interinato
La campeona mundial pluma de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), la jujeña Alejandra “Locomotora” Oliveras (29-2-2, 14 KOs), también ex campeona mundial supergallo del Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (WBC) y ligero de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB), se enfrentará a la colombiana Calixta Silgado (9-1-1, 7 KOs), intentando defender por quinta ocasión su corona, en el combate estelar de la velada que se desarrollará este viernes en el estadio de la Federación de Básquetbol de la ciudad de San Salvador, provincia de Jujuy, Argentina, en una nueva realización de OR Promotions, que será televisada en vivo desde las 22 para Argentina y gran parte de América.
En su última presentación, Oliveras derrotó a la colombiana Dayana Cordero por decisión unánime el 23 de febrero en Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, conservando su corona pluma OMB.
La ceremonia de pesaje se realizará el jueves a las 16, en el Gimnasio del Hotel Howard Johnson, sito en Güemes 864, San Salvador. La conferencia de prensa se llevará a cabo el viernes a las 12, en el Salón Ejecutivo del Hotel Howard Johnson, sito en Güemes 864, San Salvador.
Las autoridades designadas por la OMB son: el árbitro será el argentino Hernán Guajardo. Los jueces, todos argentinos, serán: Basilio Flecha, Juan Carlos Palmieri y Ramón Cerdán. El supervisor será el argentino Jorge Molina.
Completan la velada los siguientes combates:
Cristian “El Zorro” Coria (17-1-1, 7 KOs) vs. Diego “El Matador” Chaves (12-4-2, 5 KOs), 6 rounds, ligero.
Oreste Bernabé “Dinamita” Nieva (14-2-1, 6 KOs) vs. Jesús “El Leoncito Maipucino” Aguirre (3-3), 6 rounds, pluma.
Alejandra Ríos (5-3-1) vs. Soledad “La Playboy” Frías (1-3-1), 4 rounds, supermosca.
Diego Daniel Tejerina (8-0-3, 7 KOs) vs rival por confirmar, 4 rounds, ligero.
(Foto: Ramón Cairo)
Por sexto año seguido, la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB) y su presidente Francisco “Paco” Valcárcel, llegaron a Argentina con su exitoso programa “Kids Drug Free” (Niños Libres de Drogas) para llevar alegría a varias entidades que trabajan con niños y jóvenes en ese país.
Valcárcel estará presente y trabajará como supervisor este sábado, 21 de abril, en el combate entre el campeón supermosca de la OMB, el argentino Omar Narváez y el mexicano José Cabrera, que se llevará a cabo en San Juan, Argentina.
Para explicar la vocación boxística de Diego Gabriel Chaves basta con una simple extracción de sangre y posterior análisis de ADN. El boxeo lo lleva en la sangre y su árbol genealógico lo demuestra.
Su abuelo Rudecindo fue el pionero como boxeador hasta llego a combatir en el ring del Luna Park. Él forjó como padre y como entrenador a Ismael Armando, Ariel Gabriel, Carlos Abel y al menor de todos, “La Joya” de la familia Chaves.
Ismael y Ariel fueron campeones argentinos, en las categorías welter junior y welter, respectivamente. Incluso, Ariel ganó también el cinturón latino OMB súper welter, que supo ostentar Diego antes que decidiera militar en las 147 libras.
En su niñez y adolescencia, alternaba con el fútbol, ya que llevaba 4 años en Vélez, jugando de enganche. Así que entrenaba a la mañana en Vélez y a la tarde en Caseros con el pugilismo. Sin embargo, a la hora de la elección, valió más su amor por los guantes que por la pelota.
Como amateur participó de dos mundiales, sin suerte. Ganó la medalla de bronce en los Juegos Panamericanos de Río De Janeiro 2007 y fue medalla de plata en los Juegos Odesur.
Su debut como profesional fue el 5 de julio de 2008 ante Juan José Islas, a quien noqueó en tres asaltos. Con solo 10 combates, el oriundo de San Miguel Buenos Aires consiguió su bautismo titular: Cetro latino OMB súper welter y al mismo tiempo, se abría en el camino internacional ubicándose en el puesto 14 en el ranking de la entidad.
Cuatro meses mas tarde, Chaves suma el cinturón Welter OMB Latino a su colección otra vez por la vía rápida. Actualmente, con cinco defensas del cetro latino, se posiciona, invicto, en el cuarto lugar del ranking mundial. Y el 26 de noviembre hizo gala de su poderoso gancho de izquierda para demoler en solo 3 asaltos al duro y experimentado Jorge Daniel Miranda.
Cumplió 25 años el 7 de abril, lleva 20 peleas, todas ganadas, 16 por KO. Apoyado por el club de sus amores Vélez Sarsfield; dirigido por sus tíos (a quien él suele llamar hermanos, lo que aumenta la confusión) y conducido profesionalmente por Mario Margossian, Diego está en constante crecimiento y con el mismo sueño cuando hacia los goles para Velez o le pegaba por primera vez a una bolsa de boxeo: Ser campeón mundial.