


ART.1 The name of the Institution that by this Constitution is constituted is denominated World Boxing Organization.

ART.1. 1 The World Boxing Organization hereinafter denominated the Organization, is a non-profit Institution, of permanent nature, with own juridical personality and fiscal autonomy, having jurisdiction and competence over all the associated organizations and Members that are part thereof.


ART. 1.2 Objectives and Purposes:
a.- Promote the development of Professional Boxing throughout the world; as an educational activity that contributes to the forming of characters of athletes that are dedicated to such discipline.

b.- Establish the operating rules of the activities carried out by the Members of the Organization, regarding the practice of professional boxing at world level.
c.- Resolve all conflicts that arise between the different persons related to the Organization with respect to the professional boxing activities throughout the world.
d.- Collaborate with all Regional and Local Authorities having competence over professional boxing practice, to consolidate and develop this sport activity in the world.
e.- Orient its members so that in the contest promoted by them, the medical and security rules of the Organization are observed and carried out according to, and under the responsibility of the associate members based on the local laws and rules that control professional boxing, with special attention to the control of crowds, security, selection of officials, selection of the calendar of contests, establishing evacuation and emergency norms, supplying complete medical equipment, security equipment and providing physicians and all those other things needed in order to hold professional boxing contests in which the safety of the boxers and the quality of the exhibition is assured.
f.-. To improve the Health, Education, Safety Standards and Welfare of boxing participants, and for the boxing community and student athletics, and the Golden Gloves program. To improve and develop higher health safety standards for the participants in all levels of boxing; To improve general physical education for athletics and help mold a well-rounded person both morally and physically who will be better able to contribute and help improve our society.

ART. 2 The Organization shall have its main seat in the city of San Juan, Puerto Rico or in the State of Florida

ART. 3 With the objective of attaining a better development and control of the practice of professional boxing throughout the world, the following Geographical Regions are established:

1.- European Region: comprises all the countries of East and Western Europe;
2.- North American Region: comprises the countries of Canada, United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
3.- Latin American Region: comprises the countries of South America, Central America and the Caribbean;
4.- Oriental and Pacific Region (Asia Pacific): comprises the countries of Asia and Oceania;
5.- China Region: comprises the People’s Republic of China, and related countries;
6.- African Region: comprises all the countries of the African continent.



ART. 4 The duties of the Organization are:

1.- Authorize the admission of the associated organizations of the Organization, which can be constituted in attention to the Geographical Regions to which they belong.
2.-Admit, suspend, fine, expel and impose any other type of sanction to the members that are part of the Organization.
3.- Issue its own statues and other normative bodies to regulate its activities such as:          a) The World Championship Regulations; b) The Operating Regulations of the Grievances Committee to solve conflicts; c) The operating regulations of the Ranking Committee.       d) Any other provision related to its purposes.
4.- Appoint the coordinating officials it deems convenient to hold the different contests it
5.- Administer the funds the Organization receives from the membership fees paid by the
Members, from the fees established for sanctioning contests and any other contribution received from third persons.

ART. 4.1 Acquire, give in use, alienate or encumber any type of real or personal property, for a better development of its purposes. The Organization may hold all those acts in law and enter any type of contracts will be in effect.



ART. 5 The Organization may conduct, among others, the following activities:

1.- Constitute the basis and fix the criteria pursuant to which the different professional boxing categories shall be integrated that according to the weight and conditions of the sports person were necessary in order for professional boxing to be practiced by all those person of male or female sex that wish to engage in this sports discipline, without distinction on account of age, sex, race, religion, nationality, or social position.2.- Integrate the world rankings of each classification with a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum

2.- Integrate the world rankings of each classification with a minimum of ten (10) and a maximum of twenty (20) boxers per classification, procuring that boxers that belong to all the Geographical Regions established by the Organization are part of the same, provided that in said region there are ideal candidates to be part of said rankings;
3.- Coordinate, in accordance with its Statutes and Regulations all the activities related to the different professional boxing contests that are conducted in its jurisdiction, thus being its principal seat the Information and Headquarters of all operations in order to keep unity in the sport.
4.- Issue the Credentials needed so that its various Members and Professional Boxers can be accredited before Third Persons.
5.- Authorize the holding of contests between different boxers, providing the World Championship belts or other pertinent emblems, stimuli or certificates of participation to be granted to the different boxers, be it because they deserve to be distinguished as such or because they hold the World Championship Title in the different categories established.
ART. 5.1 Conduct any other legal activity which leads to the promotion and development of professional boxing at world level throughout regional affiliate organizations.



ART. 6 The Organization shall recognize the following categories of Members:
Members: Shall be all those natural or legal entities that apply for membership to the Organization and that upon compliance with the diverse legal requirements that govern its operation, are engaged in activities such as: Boxing Commissions, Boxers, Trainers, Seconds, Managers, Promoters, Referees,Judges, Physicians, and Sports journalists.
Honorary Members: The natural person or legal entity that for their relevant merits are worthy of being distinguished in such capacity, subject to acceptance by the Executive Committee.

In special cases, where there are Members of the organization in whose jurisdiction Professional Boxing is suspended for reasons out of the control of said Members, the Organization may, through its Executive Committee, authorize his/her participation as Member in one of the first two (2) categories with all the powers established in this Article.

ART. 6.1 To be a Member of the Organization it shall be necessary to:
a) Submit an application to the President’s Office together with the documents required.
b) Comply with the Statutes and other legal instruments that govern the operation of the Organization.

ART. 6.2 Rights of Members:
a) The Members shall participate with voice in the deliberations of the General Assembly, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, who shall designate the Commission who will vote and the number of votes per Country, with the exception of the U.S.A. Former Commissioners of the U.S.A. shall recommend to the Executive Committee persons who will vote for the U.S.A.
b) Aspire to positions in the Board of Directors meeting the requirements established for the execution thereof.
c) Those others indicated in the Statutes and Regulations of the Organization.

ART. 6.3 Duties of the Members:
a) Attend the Regular and Special Session of the General Assemblies.
b) Cooperate in the development of all the duties and activities inherent to the Organization. \
c) Comply with all the legal provisions that govern the operation of the Organization.
d) Shall be responsible for observing the laws and regulations applicable to boxing bouts in their local jurisdiction with special attention to the medical and emergency procedures.

ART. 6.4 The position of the Members shall be lost for the following causes: The position of the
Members shall be lost for the following causes:

a) Violation to the legal provisions that govern the operation of the Organization.
b) The commission of misconduct that in the judgment of the Executive Committee deserve such sanction.
c) For resignation submitted in writing to the Executive Committee.

ART. 6.5 The honorary Members of the Organization may attend the meetings of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee when invited by the President, and may express their
opinion on the various topics discussed, without exercising the right to vote.
ART. 6.6 The Term WBO Participant include all WBO Members and also any and all person or company who participates in any WBO activity, including, but not limited to any and all current or former WBO World Champions, WBO Regional Champions, or WBO Zone Champions; WBO World Championship contenders or WBO Regional Championship contenders, or WBO Zone Championship contenders; all WBO World, Regional or Zone ranked or rated boxers; Manager and/or Promoters and all WBO Officials. The WBO is a voluntary not-for profit organization. All WBO Participants who participate in any WBO sanctioned activity do so on the express condition that such WBO Participant is bound by and subject to this WBO Constitution, the WBO World Championship Rules and all WBO Rules and Regulations.


ART. 7 The control and the execution of the different resolutions made in the Organization shall be in the charge of the following administrative structure:

a) The General Assembly;
b) The Executive Committee;
c) The Consulting Committee;
d) The Classification Committee;
e) The World Championship Committee;
f) The Medical Committee.
g) The Officials Committee





ART.8 The General Assembly at a duly convened meeting is maximum Authority of the Organization and shall be composed of the Members and honorary members who have been invited before Assembly.

ART.8.1 The General Assembly shall meet in a Regular Meeting once every two (2) years, upon convocation of the President. Shall meet in Special Meetings if determined by the President, which shall decide the details for the holding there of, or 2/3 of the Executive Committee.

When a Member is a legal entity it shall be represented in the General Assembly by a delegate who shall be duly accredited before the Credentials Committee prior to initiating the Assembly.

The General Assembly shall be validly in session with the attendance of half plus one of the Members and of the Organization, even if the number of persons attending it should diminish, for any reason, in the course of the Assembly.

In the event of less than a quorum, then 25% shall constitute a quorum after waiting one hour from time of the duly scheduled General Assembly, but not later than 10 a.m. so long as the President is in attendance. A quorum cannot be reduced as set forth herein after one hour unless the President is in attendance.

The Resolutions of the Assembly shall be made with half plus one of the votes presents at the time of the voting, thereof it is established that each Members shall be entitled to exercise one personal vote.

The General Assembly shall elect its Directors every four (4) years, in its Annual Assembly.

ART.8.2 All Members who cannot attend any of the sessions of the General Assembly for any reason may be represented, by writing, by another Member, in which case the limit of representations shall be of one Member.

ART.9 Assembly: Duties of the general Assembly:

  1. a) Elect, substitute and dismiss its Directors.
  2. b) Approve, reform or repeal the present provisions, statutes or the various Regulations that govern the operation of the Organization.
  3. c) Approve the work reports set forth by the President of the Executive Committee and the different Members that compose it.
  4. d) Approve the Treasury report.
  5. e) Grant and/or cancel the distinction of Honorary Member.
  6. f) Approve the work plans and other matters on interest to the Organization and that are not expressly contemplated in these provisions.

ART.9.1 The Annual Assembly shall coincide with the Annual Convention to be held by the Organization, in accordance with the convocation duly notified by the President.

ART.9.2 All development of events as well as the agreements made in the Assembly shall be recorded in a official minute to be taken by the Secretary in order to have a history of the development and operation of the Organization.


ART.10 In the Conventions and the General Assemblies of the Organization, each Commission as Member duly approved by the Executive Committee as such, shall be entitled to vote. No country shall be entitled to cast more than three (3) votes regardless of the number of Members it has. Any country that has more than three (3) Members, they shall be admitted as Members, but those that exceed three (3), shall accumulate their votes, thereof, its total representation of votes shall remain at three (3).




ART.11 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following members:

  1. a) The President.
  2. b) The First Vice-President.
  3. c) All past Presidents including the founding President.
  4. d) Three Vice-Presidents listed from the Second to the Fourth.
  5. e) Six Regional Vice- Presidents, one for each Geographical Region, and the Chairmen of the Regional Entities.
  6. f) The International Commissioner.
  7. g) The Treasurer.
  8. h) The Secretary.
  9. i) The Director of the Grievance Committee.
  10. j) The Medical Advisor.
  11. k) The Administrative Advisor.
  12. l) The Director of the Classifications Committee.
  13. m) The Director and Sub-Director of the World Championship Committee.
  14. n) Seven (7) members, (four (4) elected and three (3) appointed) listed from the first (1st) to the seventh (7th).


ART.12 The Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of four (4) years, and may be reelected indefinitely and for consecutive or alternate periods, to continue holding the same position or any other, within the administrative structure of the Executive Committee.

ART.12.1 The President, the four (4) Vice-Presidents, the International Commissioner, the Treasurer and four (4) members should be elected.
The five (5) Regional Vice-Presidents shall be recommended for approval by the Executive Committee by the Members of each region.

ART.12.2 The Executive Committee shall meet in a regular session every six (6) months and in special session when deemed necessary, upon convocation of the President.

ART.12.3 The quorum needed for the Executive Committee to meet in regular session shall be half plus one of its Members and its agreements shall be made by the majority of those present to the meetings legally convoked.

ART.12.4 The Executive Committee shall have the following attributions:

  1. a) Conduct the activities needed to attain the purpose of the Organization.
  2. b) Watch over the efficient and effective administration of the patrimony of the Organization.
  3. c) Prepare the work report of the Organization.
  4. d) Promote the preparation of plans, projects and budgets of the Organization and report them to the General Assembly.
  5. e) Watch over the compliance of the Statutes, the Regulations and Resolutions of the General Assembly and the organization itself.
  6. f) Approve the Regional Vice-Presidents recommended by the Associate Members of each region.
  7. g) Convoke special sessions of the General Assembly.
  8. h) Approve or disapprove petitions of new Members: Approve the number of votes of each country and who is authorized to vote.
  9. i) Resolve all matters that are not in the competence of the General Assembly.


ART.13 The Consulting Committee is a body of permanent nature integrated by all the former President of the Organization that retain their positions of Honorary Members for life, and have as a main duty to advise the President and other Members of the Committee about those situations connected to the activities of the Organization.

The Consulting Committee when acting as Complaints and Grievances Committee shall be integrated by two (2) additional members appointed by the President. Its decision shall be ratified, amended or rejected only by the Executive Committee or the General Assembly: The Consulting Committee shall prepare its own Working Regulations for the best performance of its duties. The President shall designate the Chairman of the Consulting and Grievance Committee.


ART.14 The Classification Committee shall be composed of not less than Three (3) Members of the Executive Committee, that is, the Director of said Committee, the President and other member of the Executive Committee who shall evaluate the performance of each boxer affiliated to the Organization consider his/her incorporation to the world classification of his/her respective category.

ART.14.1 The Classification Committee shall prepare its own Work Regulations determining the technical and professional criteria in accordance to which the evaluation of the boxers shall be conducted in order to be part of the different classifications.

ART.14.2 Any Member of the Organization shall have the right to request that a specific boxer be included in the world classifications, without said petition being construed as a commitment of the Classification Committee to incorporate said aspirant.
ART.14.3 Any conflict that arises regarding the classifications of the Committee may be brought forth by the interested parties before the Grievances and Complaints Committee.


ART.15 The World Championship Committee shall be composed of not less than three (3) Members of the Executive Committee, having as main duty, the coordination of the different contests that are programmed during the year and that are sanctioned by the Organization, be it because a World Championship is being disputed therein or to aspire to a determined position within the classification of each category.


ART.15.1 The Complaints and Grievances Committee shall be composed of the Members of the Consulting Committee, and two (2) additional members, with is main seat at the Central Office of the Organization.

ART.16 The right to petition and the right to a hearing of all the members of the Organization is recognize in order to resolve their difference regarding the activities or decisions made by the Organization.


ART.17 The Medical Committee shall be composed of three (3) Members, that is, the Medical Advisor and two (2) other physicians who are Associate Members of the Organization.

The responsibility of this Committee shall be to keep the Security Code of the Organization up to date, and to issue the provisions that are needed to protect the personal integrity of the boxers and other Members it deems convenient. The function of this Committee will be determined according to its own Internal Regulation.


ART.18 The President’s attributions shall be:

    1. a) Preside the regular and special sessions of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
    2. b) Watch over compliance with the agreements and Resolutions of the Executive Committee and of the General Assembly, the administrative work in compliance with the statutes and regulations of the Organization.
    3. c) Convoke to the sessions of the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
    4. d) Authorize, together with the Treasurer the economic disbursements that must be made by the Organization.
    5. e) Present the work report of the Organization and any other report that is requested by it.
    6. f) Shall be a member of all the Committees created in the Organization, except the Complaints and Grievances Committee.
    7. g) Appoint the Supervisor and the officials for the Championship bouts, world and eliminatory contest, and appoint the members and officials of the regional entities.
    8. h) Appoint and/or designate officials and members of the Executive Committee, who are not eligible in the General Assembly and the Administrative officials of the Organization.
    9. i) Appoint those work committees that are necessary and convenient for the well functioning of the Organization and invite to General Assembly the Honorary Members, who shall have speaking rights only.

ART.18.1 It shall correspond to the President of the Organization to represent it legally whether judicially or extra judicially, and he/she may contract all types of obligations and issue all types of public or private instruments, general or special powers, alienate and encumber the real and personal property of the Organization and in general, enforce all types of acts and agreements made by the Executive Committee or the General Assembly. When the encumbrance or alienation of the property of the Organization exceeds TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR he/she must have the prior authorization of the Executive Committee.

The President shall be responsible for complying with all the legal obligations required by the laws of the different countries in which its activities are carried out, and in a special manner in the country seat of Puerto Rico.

ART.18.2 Duties of the First Vice-President:

      1. a) Substitute the President in his/her duties in the case of absence or incapacity.
      2. b) Help in the work carried out and assigned to him by the President.
      3. c) The second, third, and fourth Vice-President have the same duties as the preceding ranked Vice-President in the event of his/her absence.

ART.18.3 Duties of the Secretary:

      1. a) Keep a record of the minutes of the sessions of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee.
      2. b) Keep a record of the documents and the register of members of the executive committee.
      3. c) Issue the certifications requested of the Organization.

ART.18.4 Duties of the Administrative Advisor:

      1. a) Advisor on administrative aspect of the Organization.
      2. b) Substitute the Treasurer and/or Secretary in his duties in the case of death, incapacity, unavailability, absence or physical impediment with the power to sign any document that has to be filed before the IRS, the Department of State of Puerto Rico, of the Treasury and/or any other government department or agency.

ART.18.5 Duties of the Treasurer:

      1. a) Receive and deposit the funds obtained by the Organization in the Bank selected by the Executive Committee.
      2. b) Keep and have direct control of the accounting books of the Organization.
      3. c) Authorized, together with the President, the disbursements that the Organization has to make.
      4. d) Prepare the Regular Budget of Expenses of the Organization.
      5. e) Render the Annual Treasury Report.
      6. f) Comply with the orders and task entrusted to him/her by the Executive Committee.

ART.18.6 The Statutes shall determine the duties that are to be carried out by the other Members of the Executive Committee.
ART.18.7 In case of death, resignation or incapacity of any Member of the Executive Committee, he/she shall be substitute by the person that the Committee decides by recommendation of the President.



ART. 19 The Assets of the Organization shall be constituted by:

      1. a) The annual fees of the Members to be fixed in the General Assembly.
      2. b) The donations and contributions given to the Organizations by natural or juridical, persons, national or foreigners to promote professional boxing at the world level.
      3. c) The real and personal properties acquired by the Organization pursuant to the law, as well as the income from the possession of said properties.
      4. d) The fees for sanctioning contest that must be canceled by Promoters and Boxers in every boxing event.
      5. e) Any other income received by the organization.

ART.19.1 The Patrimony shall be administered by the President with advice of the Treasurer, according to the norms established by the Executive Committee.

The President may designate the persons who shall manage the funds of the Organization, who shall open and operate the bank accounts diligently to satisfy the needs of the Organization.

ART.19.2 The Executive committee shall approve the Expense Budget submitted by the Treasurer together with the Annual Treasury Report. In case of an emergency, the President, with the advice of the Treasurer, shall make disbursements up to the sum of $10,000.00 USA.

ART.19.3 In order to supervise the financial operations of the Organization, the need arises to contract an Independent External Auditing firm to render an opinion on the Annual Treasury Report.

ART.19.4 The economic exercise of the Organization shall be of one year from September 1st of one year to August 31st of the following year, so that the Annual Assembly that is held every year can approve the Treasury work.



ART.20No title or part there of shall be binding for its Members in the case they are inconsistent and/or contrary to the laws of the state, province, territory or city governs professionals boxing in that jurisdiction. The Rules and Regulations that govern world championship contest in the Organization shall be compulsory in all contests sanctioned by the Organization. Any request for sanctioning for a world championship fight shall be accompanied by a statement attesting that said fight shall be governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Organization; without it constituting a release of the exclusive responsibility of the Members that promote the fight of furnishing the medical and security mechanisms needed to guarantee the health and safety of the participants.



ART.21 The amendments to this Constitution shall be agreed on by the General Assembly, provide that the decision is made with the vote of two thirds of the Members present in said Assembly. The provisions that establish the judicial nature of the Organization, which shall always be not for profit and directed to promoting and developing Professional Boxing in the world, shall never be amended in any form whatsoever. In order for an amendment to this Constitution to be acknowledge in the Agenda of the General Assembly, it must be previously evaluated by the Executive Committee in full, which shall formulate the pertinent recommendations of the next that is to be reformed, of the time in which said reform is to be approved and the effectiveness there of.



ART. 22 The General Regulations of the Organization shall contain the norms for the operation of the different Bodies that compose it, and shall regulate all other aspects related to the purposes thereof.

As amended by the WBO General Assembly 24October2006
