Deslumbró desde todos los aspectos Yésica Marcos. No dejó dudas de su enorme crecimiento boxístico y su increíble carisma, que convocó y superó todo tipo de expectativas generadas.
La gran superioridad frente a la norteamericana, Ana Julatón, a quien le dio una lección de boxeo, le permitió a Yésica arrebatarle la corona y consagrarse campeona supergallo de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB), en la pelea unificatoria realizada en el teatro griego Juan Pablo II del Parque Agnesi, de San Martín, donde más de 30 mil personas asistieron al espectáculo.

Ella no defraudó y más allá de haber superado ampliamente a Julatón por puntos en 10 rounds, fue un peleón el que se observó.

El combate con Julatón tuvo varias aristas para Marcos y su entrenador Martín Díaz, que no sólo fue el tester para saber en qué plano boxístico está ubicada la mendocina en el ámbito internacional. El sábado por la noche, el Bombón Asesino demostró que es de primer nivel, más allá de la localía y de un público que abruma a cualquiera que la enfrente en el Este.
También les sirvió para ver, qué otros horizontes pueden llegar a conquistar juntos. Es que Yésica es la que convoca, la que genera y es la que pelea, pero quien le da vuelo sin dudas es Díaz.

Yésica Marcos es campeona mundial invicta con 19 triunfos de los cuales 6 han sido por nocaut y tan sólo un empate.

“Estoy tan agradecida de la gente que vino a apoyarme. Estoy tan contenta realmente. Esto es mucho más de lo que yo soñaba”, aseguró antes de bajarse del ring entre cientos de periodistas que buscaban una exclusiva o la palabra de la flamante campeona.

-Una pelea realmente dura.

-Sí, la verdad que para mí fue la mejor pelea de mi vida. Fue la gran pelea…

-¿Esperabas un poco más de Julatón? (hasta ese momento la campeona regular).

-Sí, pero yo estaba muy bien entrenada y el trabajo que hicimos en Buenos Aires con Martín (Díaz) durante un mes tuvo sus frutos. Igual, pensé que tenía mucho más para mostrar, pero a partir del tercer round sabía que no tenía cómo ganarme.

-Mucha seguridad.

-Siempre estuve segura. No tenía dudas que el título se quedaba acá en San Martín, pero uno tiene que tener respecto por el rival, porque la pelea no se termina hasta que no toca la campana del último round.

-¿Pensaste que podías convocar a tanto público?

-La gente siempre me acompaña y estoy muy agradecida y feliz por eso, pero… la verdad no esperaba tanto público.

-Vinieron tus parientes.

-Sí, vino mi hermana de San Luis, y mis tíos y primos de San Martín.

Yésica después del triunfo, ayer descansó a lo largo del todo el día y se levantó pasada la siesta.

Llamamos a la campeona y tuvimos un breve diálogo.


-Sí, hoy dormí todo el día y me levanté tardísimo. Es que anoche (domingo en la madrugada) nos quedamos festejando hasta muy tarde

-Sobran los motivos.

-¡Qué te parece, es una alegría muy grande!

-Necesitabas una buenas horas de sueño.

-La verdad que sí, fueron muchos días de trabajo.

-Qué hiciste en el día de hoy ( por ayer).

-Además de dormir, ver la pelea, que yo sólo la viví.

-¿Qué te pareció?

-Muy buena realmente. Fue la gran pelea de mi vida.

-¿Por qué pensás que la gente te quiere tanto?

-No sé creo que puede ser por la humildad y además porque yo siempre soy igual. Soy así todo el tiempo y bueno me quieren mucho.

-¿Hablaron con Martín sobre futuras peleas?

-Por ahora estamos festejando,  vamos a tener tiempo de hablar de las  próximas peleas.  No hay apuro todavía.

-Tenés alguna promesa que cumplir por haber ganado el título.

-No, no tengo ninguna. Y la verdad es que soy muy creyente y ha sido muy importante para mi.


Yésica Patricia Marcos (19-0-1, 6ko) se adueñó del título supergallo de la OMB al vencer en fallo unánime a la estadounidense de origen filipino Ana Julaton (10-3-1, 1 ko) en un combate que se realizó en el anfiteatro Juan Pablo II de San Martín ante más 30.000 personas.

La mendocina (54,800 kg.) tuvo una actuación impecable y por la categoría de su rival bien puede decirse que anoche tuvo su mejor combate profesional.

El primer cruce fue electrizante y terminó con Julaton en la lona, aunque el árbitro consideró que había sido solo un empujón.


La visitante (55,300 kg.) lució inquieta y algo nerviosa por el impactante marco que tuvo el combate, y Marcos lo aprovechó para sacar ventajas en el contragolpe.

El período de estudio no se hizo presente y en el inicio del segundo round la que cayó fue la Yesi ante un golpe ascendente de la estadounidense. Sin embargo la local se repuso y se prendió en un intercambio de golpes furioso hasta el final.

El Bombón Asesino no perdió la línea ante la insistencia de su rival que mostró la particularidad de gritar cada vez que lanzaba un golpe.

En el cuarto asalto las cosas no cambiaron. La Yesi se movió con acierto en la pelea corta y soportó algunos golpes bajos de su adversaria, que fue advertida por el árbitro Roberto Rodríguez y silbada por el público. De todos modos, dos directos de derecha que llegaron al rostro de Julaton le dieron una ventaja a la pupila de Martín Díaz.

El puertorriqueño Roberto Ramírez descontó un punto a Julaton en el quinto por recurrir a los golpes bajos y eso pareció confundir a la boxeadora de origen filipino. Marcos, sin desesperarse, sacó beneficios de esa situación y aumentó su ventaja en las tarjetas.

Marcos hizo sentir sus golpes sobre Julaton, quien poco a poco fue perdiendo intensidad. Por eso Marcos se movió con tranquilidad y mantuvo las acciones bajo control. La sanmartiniana supo imponer su ataque en todas las distancias, aunque en la corta y por adentro fue donde obtuvos los mayores réditos.

En el séptimo Julaton intentó tomar la iniciativa pero a esa altura Yésica era la dominadora y en el intercambio salió mejor parada.

Recurriendo a algunas artimañas (su entrenador se demoró en bajar del ring en foma recurrente y siguieron los golpes bajos) Julaton intentó recuperar aire, pero Marcos redobló la apuesta y fue insistente en el ataque para seguir siendo dominadora.

En los dos últimos rounds se acentuó el dominio de Yésica, y aunque el esperado nocaut no llegó, la claridad de la victoria y el espectáculo brindado la hicieron merecedora de la ovación de la multitud.


Teatro Griego Juan Pablo Segundo, San Martin, Mendoza, Argentina – Before a crowd of 27,000 fans, Argentina’s Jessica Patricia Marcos (18-0-1, 6KOs) captured the WBO’s female super bantamweight title with unanimous ten round decision over American-Filipina Ana Julaton (10-2, 1KO).

Julaton set a fast pace in the beginning, although Marcos always displayed the harder punches. Julaton scored a knockdown in the second after a left hand to the jaw, but Marcos recovered quickly and started pumping a southpaw jab to frustrate Julaton, and followed up the jab with right cross power shots. Julaton was unable to find a solution for Marcos’ hard shots to the body and well-timed uppercuts.

Jose Roberto Torres (Puerto Rico) scored it 98-91, Ignacio Robles (Panama) saw 96-92, and Cesar Ramos (Puerto Rico) had it 98-92 – all in favor of Marcos. scored it 97-92 for the new champion.


By Nicolas Samuilov,

Wearing a beautiful light blue bikini, the WBO regular super bantamweight champion Phil-Am Ana Julaton weighed-in 122 lbs (55,300Kg), while her opponent WBO interim super bantamweight queen Argentina’s Yessica Patricia Marcos of Argentina registered 120.8 lbs (54,800 kg) ahead of their WBO unification clash of tomorrow Friday March 16 at the Amphitheater Juan Pablo II in Ciudad San Martín in Mendoza, Argentina.

After the weights, both girls faced off for the cameras, Julaton looking taller than Marcos. Nevertheless, both fighters appeared relaxed and in good shape during the official weight-in ceremony at el Paseo de la Patria.

After the weight-in, Marcos said “I respect Ana because she a champion, but I have confidence on me. I have had a good training camp and I am going to win tomorrow.”

The gorgeous Pinay Ana Julaton, 31, had her last fight in September, in which the Filipina defended her WBO super bantamweight crown by a unanimous decision win over Jessica Villafranca in Yucatán, Mexico.

Meanwhile, the 26-year-old undefeated Yessica Marcos (18-0-1, 6KOs), known as the “Assassin Bonbon,” comes from a fifth round technical KO victory over then WBA interim champ Simone Da Silva of Brazil last October in Mendoza.

Trainers for Ana “The Hurracaine” Julaton and Yessica Marcos have expressed confidence on the work done.

Martin Diaz, Yessica’s trainer, has said that her pupil is ready to become the regular champion:

“The last three weeks we had more than 50 rounds of sparring sessions. The last of them went for 11 rounds with a variety of intense sparring partners, in which Yessica came to throw many good punches. The good training has satisfied me, anyways, fights are fights,” said the trainer.

In contrast, the Julaton Team has not allowed media access to her training. However, Angelo Reyes, Ana Julaton’s trainer commented:

“We know how Yessica Marcos’s boxing is, so have trained hard. We are ready.”

The neutral WBO fight officials are from Puerto Rico and Panama:

Referee of the combat will be the experienced Roberto Ramirez Sr of Puerto Rico, who was the third man in the Orlando Salido thrilling victory over Juanma Lopez last Saturday.

One of the judges will be Cesar Ramos of Puerto Rico, another official at the Salido vs Lopez fight. Amazingly, Cesar Ramos’s had in his scorecard that his fellow Puerto Rican Juanma Lopez was winning by two points, 86-84.

The other two judges are: Jose Roberto Torres of Puerto Rico and Ignacio Robles of Panama.

The WBO supervisor is Rolando Marcos Hermoso of Panama.

Yessica Marcos and Ana Julaton will climb the ring at 22:00 hours Argentina time as the fight will be broadcast live on TyC Sports.

This WBO title fight is organized by veteran Argentina promoter Osvaldo Rivero.

Osvaldo Rivero was the promoter of the fateful fight card in which Filipino Johnrieil Casimero knocked out Argentina’s Luis “El Mosquito” Lazarte to become new interim IBF interim light flyweight champion.

See video of Ana Julaton and Yessica Marcos during the official weight ceremony in in this link of TyC Sports:


By Carlos Costa

Today in Argentina took place the official presscon for this Friday’s world boxing title clash between gorgeous fight girls champions from Argentina and The Philippines: 26-year-old undefeated WBO interim super bantamweight champion Yésica Patricia “El bombón asesino” Marcos (18-0-1, 6KOs) of Argentina and WBO regular super bantamweight queen 31-year-old Phil-Am Ana Julaton (10-2-1, 1KO) who will clash in a unification combat this Friday March 16 in Mendoza, Argentina.

WBO officials have been named:

Referee will be veteran third man Roberto Ramírez Sr of Puerto Rico; Judges: César Ramos of Puerto Rico, Roark Young of USA and Ignacio Robles of Panama. WBO supervisor: Rolando Marcos Hermoso of Panama.

Promoter and matchmaker: Orlando Rivero of O.R. Promotions

Venue: Anfiteatro Juan Pablo II in Ciudad de San Martín, Provincia de Mendoza, República Argentina.

Local Commission: Federacion Argentina de Box (FABOX)

Broadcast: Live on TyC Sports TV

Fight time: 9pm (Argentina Time)


By Carlos Costa

Eat, train, sleep, repeat. Eat, train, sleep, repeat. Eat, train, sleep, repeat. That’s been WBO female super bantamweight champ Ana ‘The Hurricane’ Julaton’s life these past 8 weeks. You can say she lived and breathed boxing in preparation for what she considers her biggest fight to date in Argentina, against undefeated challenger Yesica Marcos this Friday, March 16.

With just a couple of days away, Julaton has finished up the final touches of her preparations at the Hercules Gym in San Martin with trainer Angelo Reyes, and is raring to go.

“I’m really looking forward to this fight. Is it going to be the biggest stage? Absolutely. I always look for that. I strive for that,” Julaton told me in our most recent conversation. “I feel like it’s my responsibility as a world champion, especially as a female fighter, to go out there and take on the biggest challenges,” added the Daly City, California native.

A huge Argentinian crowd of more than 30,000 is expected to show up at the Teatro Griego Juan Pablo Segundo in San Martin to cheer on their boxing heroine Marcos. Female boxing is huge in Argentina (as seen on the attached video in this page), and Julaton believes that by successfully defending her crown on such a big stage, will not only set her up for bigger fights in the future, but will also help women’s boxing get its due recognition.



La Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB) anuncia los oficiales que estarán trabajando en los combates de título mundial femenino entre la monarca supergallo  Ana Julaton y la campeona interina Yessica Marcos en Argentina, y Enis Pacheco frente a Duda Yancovich por el cetro vacante ligero en Colombia, este viernes, 16 de marzo.

El presidente de la OMB, Francisco “Paco” Valcárcel, informó que para el combate en que la estadounidense Julaton (10-2-1, 1 KOs) expone por tercera ocasión su cetro supergallo de esta entidad ante la argentina Marcos (18-0-1, 6 KOs), en el Teatro Griego Juan Pablo Segundo, Mendoza, Argentina, el árbitro será el puertorriqueño Roberto Ramírez Sr.

Los jueces que trabajarán en este Julaton-Marcos serán los puertorriqueños César Ramos y José Roberto Torres, y el panameño Ignacio Robles. El supervisor de la OMB para el encuentro será el panameño Rolando Marcos Hermoso.

Entretanto, para el encuentro a efectuarse en el coliseo Elías Chewing de Barranquilla, Colombia, entre la colombiana Pacheco (8-1, 7 KOs) y la serbia residente en Brasil Yancovich (11-3, 5 KOs) por la correa vacante de las 135 libras, el árbitro será el puertorriqueño José H. Rivera.

Los jueces para este choque son David Singh, de Panamá, Manuel Rodríguez, de Colombia, y Hernando Steidel, de Puerto Rico. El supervisor de la OMB para el encuentro será el puertorriqueño Luis Perez.

GMA Network, Inc. (GMA), home of pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao, signed another boxing luminary in Ana “The Hurricane” Julaton, current IBA and WBO Women’s Super Bantamweight champion, to a 3-fight deal beginning with her upcoming match against Argentinean Yesica “La Leona” Marcos this March.

The forthcoming fight is in defense of Julaton’s WBO Super Bantamweight title and will be held in Marcos’ hometown in San Martin, Argentina.

Julaton, who has always been identified as a Kapuso fighter, is pleased to be reunited with GMA Network and describes the experience as “refreshing”. “I am happy my promoter, Allan Tremblay of Orion Sports, and I are one with GMA Network again”, said the Filipina fighter.

“GMA Network has such a powerful reach that I feel like I am able to inspire fellow Kapusos all over the globe using my image as a Filipina succeeding in such a brutal, not to mention, male-dominated sport. My heart goes out to all my Filipino supporters, and to GMA for supporting me and for sharing my story,” Julaton continued.

GMA never ceased to believe in Julaton’s qualities not only as a professional boxer, but more so as a Filipino who brings pride and honor to the country. GMA will air the match dubbed as “Laban ng Lahi presents: Giyera Sa Argentina Ana Julaton vs Yesica Marcos” on March 18, Sunday, 11 am via satellite from Mendoza, Argentina.

Julaton is already in Argentina all set to defend her WBO title next week. (GMA Network)

Mendoza, Argentina – Three-time World Champion Ana “ The Hurricane” Julaton (10-2-1) arrived safe and sound in Argentina for her WBO Female Jr. Featherweight title defense against the undefeated Yesica Marcos (18-0-1) on March 16.

Accompanied by trainer and manager Angelo Reyes, and team photographer Alfredo Perez, Julaton was greeted with a boquet of flowers for the mayor of San Martin, Jerge Omar Jimenez in celebration of Women’s Day.

Yesterday, WBO female super bantamweight champion Ana Julaton was spotted in the main lobby of the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada, as she and her team were in the process of officially leaving the city after wrapping up their latest training camp.

The destination is the city of San Martin in Argentina, as Julaton will be defending her crown against local favorite Yesica Patricia Marcos on March 16th. Joining Julaton were team members Angelo Reyes and Alfredo Perez, as we followed the crew from the MGM to the nearby McCarran airport, as they made way for their 2 PM flight exiting from American Airlines.

If the fight were tomorrow, 3-time World Champion and current WBO Female Jr. Featherweight Ana “The Hurricane” Julaton says she is more than ready to go. Of all her training camps, this one stood out for the level of focus and concentration Julaton and her team put in, and it shows in her physique during her last training session in Las Vegas, Tuesday afternoon.

Sporting strands of golden locks which she says represents the colors of the three stars and the sun in the flag of the Philippines, Julaton is ripped and firing at all cylinders. With the help of trainer Angelo Reyes, Julaton and her team went on lockdown with nothing in their minds other than putting on a sensational performance against the undefeated Yesica Marcos in her WBO Jr. Featherweight title defense on March 16 in Argentina.

MANILA, Philippines – Argentine promoter Osvaldo Rivero of KO International has assured WBO female superbantamweight champion Ana (Hurricane) Julaton of safe passage before and after her third title defense against undefeated Yesica Patricia (The Lioness) Marcos in a scheduled 10-round bout at the Teatro Griego Juan Pablo Segundo in Mendoza, Argentina, on March 16.

Rivero was the same promoter of the recent Johnriel Casimero-Luis Lazarte fight for the interim IBF lightflyweight crown in Mar del Plata, Argentina, where a riot broke out after New York referee Eddie Claudio declared the Filipino winner by technical knockout in the 10th round. Chairs, water bottles and assorted debris were thrown into the ring as Lazarte’s hometown supporters vented their disappointment on Casimero, business manager Sammy Gello-ani, trainer Christopher Tepura and cornerman Sean Gibbons. A man wearing a green vest with the words “Camioneros-Peronista” on the back entered the ring and assaulted Gello-ani who shielded Casimero from the attack.

All hell broke loose as security forces were caught flat-footed in failing to quell the riot within minutes of the breakout. Casimero hid under the ring for at least 30 minutes while police escorted the hotheads out of the stadium.

Rivero recently sent his assurance to Julaton’s Canadian promoter Allan Tremblay of Orion Sports Management. The promoter said he has staged world title fights for over 25 years and while the Casimero incident was deplorable, he guaranteed security in Mendoza for Julaton and her team. Mendoza is the challenger’s hometown.

“You have my absolute assurance that the stadium where Ana will fight is secure,” said Rivero in an email in Spanish. “All Yesica’s fights have been held before big crowds and there has never been a problem. I don’t see how things will be different in her fight against Ana. I speak from the heart. You may ask Casimero, Gello-ani and Gibbons if I am true to my word. You have my permission to investigate how I conduct my promotions if you think it is necessary.”

Tremblay said in the wake of the recent riot, he is certain that additional precautions will be taken by Rivero to prevent a recurrence. “When I arrive (in Argentina), we can cover off some specifics of our concerns so that Ana can feel comfortable,” Tremblay told Rivero. “This kind of thing has happened in other parts of the world in years past and is not necessarily indicative of the normal behavior patterns of the fans. However, better safe than sorry. You have reassured me and we will be there.”

Tremblay said the WBO has approved only neutral judges for the fight. “Without this in place, we would not have taken this fight,” he said. “It was imperative to level the playing field and give Ana the best possible chance to succeed in what will be the toughest test of her career. Mr. Rivero has been most gracious throughout the negotiation period for which I am appreciative. This is a much-anticipated matchup that will test the skill and endurance of both these world-class competitors.”

Rivero was remorseful in explaining how the riot in the Casimero fight started. “It was unfortunate,” he said. “The whole world saw it (in the Internet and on TV). It was a dark night for boxing, not only for my country but for the world. We provided all the security measures required for the event – police to cover the capacity of the stadium, firemen, paramedics. I assure you the police acted courageously under the circumstances – one policeman suffered a fracture in his arm and another had wounds in his head. The people from the Truckers Union, the sponsor of the fight, protected the Filipinos and the referee. One of them, Gonzalo Basile, a popular Argentine heavyweight boxer, was in the ring trying to defend the visitors. Everyone in my organization, including my son Sebastian and myself, were with the Filipinos in the dressing room and later in the hotel, providing whatever assistance we could give. Those who can attest to what we did are WBO supervisor Anibal Miramontes, Sammy Gello-ani and Sean Gibbons.”


By Joaquin Henson

WORLD Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight champion Ana ‘The Hurricane’ Julaton said she is not afraid to fight in Argentina when she defends her crown against undefeated Yesica Marcos on March 16.

Julaton (10-2-1 win-loss-draw slate) made the statement a week after her compatriot International Boxing Federation (IBF) flyweight champion Johnriel Casimero was hurt in a riot in Argentina. The angry fans of his opponent Argentine Luis Lazarte whom he had beaten via 10th round technical knockout mobbed Casimero.

“I’m really excited about fighting in Argentina,” Julaton told writer Dennis Guillermo on Friday. “All of it just gets me amped up; it’s really getting me juiced about it. I’m not afraid to fight anywhere.”

Julaton emphasized that real champions do not dodge challenges. “I want to show the boxing world that I will fight anyone, anywhere at any time and will do my utmost to represent the proud Filipino Nation in the great traditions that they come to expect,” she added.

Marcos has 18 wins, 0-loss and a draw under her belt.

Julaton’s promoter Allan Tremblay of Orion Sports Management assured the Filipina boxing star that the WBO would hold the fight in a safe and pleasant venue somewhere in Argentina and that neutral officials would officiate the bout.

“Argentina is a big country,” Tremblay told Guillermo. “That’s just like saying there was a brawl that happened in America.”



Written by : JOSEF T. RAMOS

Brampton, Ontario –  On March 16,  Ana “ The Hurrciane” Jualton, will continue her role as “The Ultimate Road Warrior” as she takes her considerable talents to Mendoza, Argentina.  Jualton  10-2-1 ( 1 KO ) will defend her WBO Junior Featherweight Title against Interim Champion, Yesica Marcos 18-0-1 ( 6 KOs )of Argentina where the pride of both the  Philippines and Argentina will be on the line .

The Freddie Roach/Angelo Reyes  trained Julaton is anxious to display her talents around the world and agreed to take the matchup in Marcos, hometown after her Promoter, Allan Tremblay, of Orion Sports Management, secured a contractual agreement from Marcos’ Promoter to agree to neutral officials for the contest under the sanctioning of the WBO. “Without this in place”, said Tremblay, “we would not have taken the fight. It was imperative to level the playing field and give Ana the best possible chance to succeed in what will be the toughest test of her career. Mr. Osvaldo Rivero, of K.O. International , Marcos’ Promoter, has been most gracious throughout the negotiation process for which I am appreciative. This is a much anticipated matchup that will test the skill and endurance of both these world class competitors.”

The bout will be televised in Argentina by TYC Sports and by the GMA Network in the Philippines and around the world on their International outlets. GMA has been a staunch backer of Julaton and is directly responsible for her soaring popularity within the Filipino Nation.

Without to the knowledgeable Mexican fans and open the door to some possible intriquing matchups involving other Mexican champions as the Womens market has exploded in that Country. Jualton  stated “ I want to show  the Boxing World that I will fight anyone, anywhere at any time and will do my utmost to represent the proud Filipina Nation in the great traditions that they come to expect”.

Allan Tremblay, President of Orion Sports says “ This event is done in association with my great partners at Yucatan Boxing and together we are proud to bring this World Championship fight to Kanasin, Yucatan. Further, I am pleased and proud to have reunited Ana Julaton with  The GMA Televsion Network  who have done so much to build her vast following both in the Philippines and indeed on a worldwide basis.”

GMA Chairman, Attorney, Felipe Gozon added “ We are excited about Ana Julatons next fight which we will be airing on the GMA Network in the Philippines, GMA New TV and GMA Pinoy TV worldwide. We have supported Anas boxing career from the beginning as we have always believed that she has the qualities of a Champion.

Scoring Summary by the Numbers

1. In six of the twelve rounds, all three judges agreed on the winner of the round.

2. In the first seven rounds, there was only one round where there wasn’t unanimous consent as to the winner.

3. There was disagreement among the judge’s scoring in all of the last five rounds of the fight.

4. Judge Trowbridge was the “lone wolf” in only one round (round 12)
a. Awarded the round to Marquez, while the other two judges awarded the round to Pacquiao.

5. Judge Moretti was the “lone wolf” in two rounds (rounds 2 and 11)
Awarded the rounds to Marquez, while the other two judges awarded the rounds to Pacquiao.

6. Judge Hoyle was the “lone wolf” in three rounds (rounds 8, 9 and 10)
Awarded the rounds to Marquez, while the other two judges awarded the rounds to Pacquiao.







I recently caught up with 3-time Women’s WBO World Champion Ana “The Hurricane” Julaton who has been training at the Wild Card Gym with trainer Freddie Roach and assistant/manager Angelo Reyes, alongside boxing’s Pound-for-Pound king Manny Pacquiao.
Check out my conversation with the beautiful boxing heroine from the Philippine by way of Daly City, California!
On being around Pacquiao:
“One thing I definitely have learned from Manny since being around him from 2006 is that Greatness can come from anybody.  You just have to believe even when others just want to judge a book by it’s covers. With all the things, the barriers that is frustrating in my sport, Manny continues to inspire me to believe that just like him, I just have to continue to work hard and be humble and always remember the people who support me and ignore the people who don’t believe in me. Manny already paved the wave for all Filipino’s and I know I have a responsibility to do the same for all women in the world who may feel at times they are not strong enough to fight.”
On receiving 2 ringside seats from Pacquiao to his fight:
“I was so shocked when he gave me seats to the fight. For him to even think of me during this time when he has so many other things on his mind. I really appreciate all the support Manny has given me throughout my career. It gives me that extra lift to know that he believes in me.”
On her next opponent:


“Just like when Manny in early 2000 with his wars with Barrera and Morales, I want the big fights in my division Next year, WBA 122lbs Chantal Martinez and WBC 122lbs Jackie Nava for sure. I think going into next year if their promoters would contact my promoter Allan Tremblay, I am sure we can make those fights happen. A unification of that magnitude is what will elevate this sport and those fights definitely deserve to be in SHOWTIME or HBO.”

“You know me Dennis, I will fight anybody anywhere anytime.  I don’t think there has been a female fighter that bled more than I have in the last 2 years (laughing). I am proud of my scars. I want people to know you can do anything you put your mind into, even when there are barriers stopping you from doing what you believe is right.”


By: Dennis ‘D Source’ Guillermo

Ana “Hurricane” Julaton has retained her WBO Female super bantamweight title with a comfortable win over Jessica Villafranca in Yucatan, Mexico on Saturday. All three judges had the 31 year old Julaton the winner with Levi Martinez scoring it 97-92, Victor Salomon 96-93 and Alejandro Lopez Cid 98-91 despite the fact that referee Miguel Angel Canul deducted a point from Julaton in round six for holding and hitting behind the head.

With the win the popular Daly City based Filipina improved to 10-2-1 with 1 knockout while the 18 year old Villafranca dropped to -12-4 with 6 knockouts.

Julaton won the vacant title with a split ten round decision over Maria Elena Villalobos on June 30, 2010. This was her second title defense and her fourth victory since losing to Lisa Brown in a lopsided decision on March 27, 2010.

Villafranca was coming off a loss to Kaliesha West in a WBO Female bantamweight title fight last August 20.

Ana Julaton has the belt, the global television deal, and the name.

So why is “The Hurricane” defending her WBO junior featherweight title tomorrow
in Jessica Villafranca’s backyard of Mexico?

“It is important to continue to showcase Ana’s talents globally and get her the most
exposure,” said her promoter, Allan Tremblay. “Mexico is right now the where
female boxing is thriving. I am confident Ana will flourish here in Mexico and like
Manny Pacquiao, her skills will speak for themselves to the boxing fans in Mexico.”

“I love the people of Merida and the Yucatan,” Julaton, No. 7 in’s
NorCal pound-for-pound rankings, said. “They have been so welcoming to me. They
make me feel like a welcomed champion and it doesn’t shock anyone that I am a
female boxer, as it oftentimes happens in the U.S.A. I appreciate that they respect
fighters whether it is male or female.”

After months trying to a secure a unification bout with WBA champ Chanttall
Martinez of Panama, Julaton (9-2-1, 1 KO) has since turned her attention to
Villafranca (12-3, 6 KOs), an 18-year-old from Nicolas Romero, Mex., whom despite
her youth has already challenged for three world titles.

“I know [Villafranca] is a tough opponent because she had a strong action-packed
fight in her previous WBO championship fight in August [against bantamweight
champ Kaliesha West],” Julaton said. “I know she is fresh and ready to take what I
have. I am here to show why I am the champion.”

“She has never been stopped, which would mean that if Ana does it she would be the
first to do so,” Angelo Reyes, Julaton’s longtime advisor, said of the opponent.

“The Kaliesha West fight was scored very close and the judging was an issue. The
WBO addressed it, and they explained it will be all fair judging. For this fight, we’ll
have two Mexicans and an American, Levi Martinez.”

Before traveling to the Gimnasio Polifuncional in the Yucatan Peninsula, the 31-
year-old Daly City native held training camp away from her usual Hollywood
headquarters and trainer Freddie Roach, who was in Colorado Springs as a
consultant for the U.S. National Team this month.

“I saw Freddie before he went to Colorado and he saw that I was in shape,” Julaton
said. “We worked on a few things then. Following my promoter’s suggestions, I went to [Las] Vegas for the heat simulation and was able to get great work at the
UNLV Gym.”

Stepping in was the very capable Reyes, who has worked the corner in his absence,
most recently in an eight-round non-title victory over Angel Gladney in Miami. The
fight was a brawl that resulted in a deep cut over Julaton’s left eye that has since

“I have a great deal of faith in Angelo Reyes, and it showed in the Alcanter fight
when Freddie couldn’t show up to Ana’s fight because of commitments made to his
other champions,” Tremblay said.

“Freddie trained her up until the day of weigh-ins. Same scenario for the fight in
Miami in June. Angelo has always been the consistent assistant coach for Ana, and
Freddie knows she listens to his voice as well.”

The inquiries about Julaton’s path following Friday’s fight have increased, especially
since the encounter with Gladney took place at the featherweight division.

Could she be looking at a move north to 126 pounds, or will she remain at 122 and
continue to pursue Martinez?

“I’m only concentrating in this moment,” Julaton said. “I am very focused on this
fight only and have not thought about anything else because it’s always dangerous
to go into a new venue with new climates fighting the hometown challenger.”

Reyes echoed his fighter’s comments, but revealed a few plans.

“We have been focused on this fight only, but I would be lying if I said we haven’t
thought about the Martinez fight,” he said. “I know Ana would beat Martinez, and
that would be a great unification fight for all people to watch. So my dream would
be to have that aired on Showtime or HBO.”

Of course, until it’s over, tomorrow’s fight is the most important one. Before today’s
weigh-in, Julaton held a video teleconference with Filipino channel GMA News,
where she received some encouragement from friend and fellow Roach fighter,
Manny Pacquiao.

“Millions of Filipinos are behind you to support you, and I wish you good luck and
[to] do your best,” Pacquiao said, later predicting a Julaton victory.

With her fight being broadcast worldwide through the GMA family of global
networks, Julaton understands that the onus will be on her to win impressively if she wants to make a case for bigger fights down the road in the Bay Area, Canada, or
the Philippines.

“I am here to put on a good show for the people, and I want to thank everyone who
will be supporting me, she said. “The people who watch it will see an action packed
fight. I promise!”