Gold Cost Australia
WBO reaches out to Gold Coast Australia youth Mercy program to distribute supplies to the needy and being more aware of saying no to drugs. Australia World Boxing Organization Representative, Executive Board Member Danny Leigh have coordinated with Boxing Promoter Stephen Ng and Boxing trainer Chris Carden of No excuses Boxing Gym to reach out to the Gold Coast Mercy youth of Australia to help on their necessities.
Mr. Leigh informed that our WBO Organization have came on the right time of importance this year to help out on the children of need, he could see that each young person that comes through the unit has only 12 weeks that they are allowed to stay at the Mercy house and there the organization of Mercy will try to help and cater to them for their immediate emergency needs.
Australia Mercy Immediate Response Unit will assess their immediate needs, try and find a suitable placement as soon as possible. Mercy house is designed to take young person in that have just been removed from their families, just out of juvenile detention or other emergency related placement.
Due to this unfortunate nature, majority of the young person coming through the Mercy Youth program have minimal personal belongings, live out of a small suitcase of belongings and no place to go to.
With the help of the WBO Drug Free Program sponsoring Bags supplies of necessity and nutritious food guidance book with training equipments have surely bring joy and happiness to these less fortunate children of Gold Coast Australia.
Boxing trainer Chris Carden and Stephen Ng was elated and grateful to the WBO along with the Children of Mercy who had thanked the WBO for their generosity of supplying them of these goods.