Letter to Participants Glowacki-Breidis Complaint
Francisco Valcárcel, Esq.
June 21, 2019
WBO Participant | Contact of WBO Participant |
Team Glowacki | Knockout Promotions Andrew Wasilewski: andrew.wasilewski@gmail.com |
Team Breidis | Raymonds Zeps: raimonds.zeps@gmail.com Kalle Sauerland – WBSS – KRS@worldboxingsuperseries.com |
WBSS | Contact of WBO Participant |
WBO Participant | MAI@worldboxingsuperseries.com Chris Meyer WBSS, CHM@worldboxingsuperseries.com Kalle Sauerland – WBSS KRS@worldboxingsuperseries.com |
Latvian Professional Boxing Federation (LPBF) | Andrey Akhmedov, President Jekaterina Krilova, General Secretaryproboxing@proboxing.lv |
WBSS | Contact of WBO Participant |
Re: Notice to all affected WBO Participants of the Complaint filed on June 17, 2019 on behalf of Kryzsztof Glowaki concerning the TKO Decision and the WBO Championship awarded to Mairis Briedis in Riga, Latvia on June 15, 2019
On June 17, 2019, we received a Complaint on behalf of WBO Participant, Mr. Krzyzstof Glowacki’s from his manager, Mr. Andrew Wasilewski, regarding the above referenced bout held in Riga, Latvia on June 15, 2019 between Mr. Glowacki and Mr. Mairis Briedis. Today, we received a letter sent to István Kovács, bout
supervisor and WBO European Chairman, from Mr. Raimonds Zeps, Mairis Briedis’s manager.
I am attaching a copy of both letters, i.e. the Complaint of the TKO Decision awarded to Mairis Briedis on June 15, 2019 and the letter from Mr. Zeps defending Mairis’s actions during the bout
In accordance to our WBO Regulations of World Championship Contests, we request that you submit to the Championship Committee as soon as possible any statements, affidavits, reports, summaries, compilations, press reports, or other evidence or documents which the affected WBO participants want the Committee to consider. The submittal shall include a clear and specific summary of response to it, reasons and arguments upon which it is based, with a clear statement from the Complainant of the relief the complainant is seeking and from whom and a response on behalf of Mairis Briedis to that complaint and the relief sought on behalf of Krzyzstof Glowacki, and shall have attached clear and legible copies of all documents, reports, precedents or
other materials relevant to the request.
Please send your submittal no later than Monday, July 1, 2019 no later than 4:00 P. M. EST. Please copy all parties into your submittal. Thank you.
Yours truly,
190708 CC Request for time extension Ltr. Glowacki-Briedis (View PDF)
190709 Latvian Boxing Federation Ltr. (View PDF)
190709 WBO President Ltr. – LPBF Commission (View PDF)
190715 CC Follow-up Ltr. Complaint – Glowacki vs. Briedis (View PDF)