Fenech: Horn can defeat Pacquiao if he uses the right tactics
By Ray Wheatley – World of Boxing
Former three-time world champion Jeff Fenech has advised WBO #1 Jeff Horn he can defeat WBO welterweight champion Manny Pacquiao on July 2 if he uses the correct tactics at the Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Queensland Australia with a predicted attendance of 55,000+ fight fans. Fenech talked to Grantlee Kieza of the Courier Mail.
“Just bash the bloke in close,” Fenech said. “It’s no more Mister Nice Guy now. I’m not saying break the rules but you have to rough Manny up. Jeff, do everything to hurt him in close. Twist him, twist his knees, use your weight advantage, bully him — bang your shoulder into him. Manny can punch at a distance, Jeff. Close the distance. Stay on his chest and make him feel all of his 38 years.”
Pacquiao-Horn has already eclipsed Fenech’s record for the biggest crowd ever in Australian boxing which had stood at 38,000 for the 1992 world title fight with Azumah Nelson at Princes Park in Melbourne.