Purse Bid WBO Jr. Lightweight Championship Bout Roman Martinez vs. Miguel Berchelt
As per Section 11 through 13 of the WBO Regulations for World Championship Contest, please be advised that a purse bid will be held at 12:00 NOON New York Time on Tuesday January 12, 2016 at the:
Madison Square Garden, 4 Pennsylvania Plaza New York, NY 10001
The minimum acceptable bid for the Jr. Lightweight Division is $150,000.00 (One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars).
The winner of the Purse Bid must deposit 10% of the total bid amount in the form of a cashier’s check or, in the alternative, in cash (USD). The remaining balance of the purse must be paid within fifteen (15) days. Should the winner of the purse bid not comply with the aforesaid requirement, the second highest bidder will be considered the winner- also subject to satisfying the requirement- and will have five days to send in the balance to WBO Headquarters.
Any additional information, please visit our website at www.wboboxing.com or contact the WBO main office.
Yours truly,
Luis Batista Salas, Esq.
Cc Francisco Valcarcel, Esq.