WBO Kids Drug Free Program makes Donation in Nicaragua
Managua, Nicaragua: The World Boxing Organization led by its President Francisco “Paco” Valcarcel and WBO Ratings Chairman Luis Perez made today its 3rd anual donation to Hogar de Ninas Cristo Obrero in Diriomo, Granada, Nicaragua as part of their succesful WBO Kids Drug Free Program which goes all over the world.
The home directed by Sister Ivelisse Guzman is a non profit organization which serves as home to over 40 girls between the ages of 4 and 18 whom have been victims of physical, emotional, and situations of high risk. It was was founded by Sister Guzman on March 16, 2003 to aid the abused girls.
The donation will serve to help the home and their needs. President Valcarcel said: “We are very proud to be part of this program, child abuse has to stop, we have been here for 3 years in a row and plan to come back every year, I urge everyone that has possibilities to help”.
Anyone interested in making donations could do so by sending money to: BANPRO Bank, Nicaragua, account number 10023515037281, account name AMICO (Padrinos Ninas) or also by contacting the WBO headquaters.