WBO Kids Drug Free Gives Back to the Community of Barranquitas, Puerto Rico
The WBO Kids Drug Free Program in association with the Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy Foundation visited the community of Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, this Wednesday, December 20.
This small town suffered the effects of Hurricane Maria earlier this year, over 500 families lost their home. Kids received gifts and families received first necessity items.
We also took this beautiful opportunity to present the new NABO Jr. Lightweight Champion Christopher “Pitufo” Diaz with this championship belt. We had plenty of activities and a lot of fun.
Christmas time is about giving! Let’s share our precious time with those we love and those who need a helping hand!
Happy Holidays to all!
La Fundación Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy y la OMB a través de su programa Kids Drug Free le llevaron un poco de alegría a los niños de la comunidad de Barranquitas, Puerto Rico uno de los pueblos más afectados por el Huracan María, donde más de 500 familias perdieron sus casas. Se aprovechó la oportunidad para hacer entrega del cinturón al nuevo campeón NABO Jr. Ligero Christopher “Pitufo” Díaz y hubo entretenidas actividades y juguetes.
La época de Navidad es para dar. Compartamos con nuestros seres queridos y aquellos quienes necesitan una mano amiga.