Kovalev-Yarde Purse Bid Postponement
Luis Batista Salas, Esq.
WBO Championship Committee
June 10th 2019
VIA EMAIL: dinesandenglish@aol.com
Mr. Patrick English, Esq.
Dines and English L.L.C.
685 Van Houten Avenue
Clifton, NJ 07013
Re: Request for Postponement of Purse Bid – Kovalev vs. Yarde
Dear Mr. English:
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email communication dated June 8th 2019,
whereby on behalf of Main Events Promotions you indicate no objection to the purse bid
postponement request submitted by Mr. Heath on behalf of Queensberry Promotions. In
consideration thereof, this Committee hereby grants a fourteen-day (14) extension in
order for the parties to reach an agreement.
Please be advised the referenced purse bid will now be scheduled for Monday, June 24th
2019 at 12:00 p.m. EST (Noon) at the WBO Headquarter Offices in San Juan, Puerto
Yours Truly,
By: Luis Batista Salas, Esq.
Cc: Mr. Francisco Valcárcel, Esq.
WBO President
Ms. Kathy Duva
Main Events Promotions
Mr. Frank Warren
Queensberry Promotions
Condominium First Federal | Suite 711-714 | 1056 Muñoz Rivera Avenue | San Juan, PR 00927
O: 787-765-4628 | E: elopez@wboboxing.com | F: 787-758-9053